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Everything posted by Daily4605

  1. yes everything fits in the carrying case.
  2. Showed this off at the event today we had in Beaverton Oregon at Knight Fall Games and was asked to post the link here. But any ways its a $37 Photo Cube that is absolutely awesome for miniatures. You get a red, blue, black, and white back drop 2 lights, 2 camera stands and the cube itself which folds into a carrying case. Set up time is about 2minutes break down about 20 seconds. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260532930486
  3. My Perdita killed your Perdita...Judge... and Santiago... But then again your Perdita killed my Loco which blew up and then killed my whole crew except Perdita
  4. A hand pressing up against it
  5. I would just like to know what colors you used for the skin tone
  6. I learned the painting Technique from the Rackham Wolf Miniature Mentor video... Very very good video don't know about the $30 price though, but it did easily show and teach me how to do a bunch of cool tricks.
  7. I stuck it in there because well... I hate painting teeth its really hard to do them right or else you just have a strip of white paint. And due to lighting issues his sign says "Loco"
  8. I'll paint up the fairy elf lady with the wings for this if you want.
  9. First attempts at Wet blending and NMM, other then the faces of Nino and Fransisco I am really happy with how they turned out.
  10. ;p Garage works great... but ya put something over your face. even if its just a T-shirt.
  11. This is why I highly recommend White boards(small magnetic chalk boards) and magnets... it is like $15-20 for board and enough rare earth magnets to hold 100+ models, unless you travel via airplane a lot then I would pay to have your army shipped to where you are going
  12. When I was with BMM I painted a Lady Justice and The Ortega's as a commission... I just remembered them having eyes... as of Sunday though I will have Seamus and Lady Justice set to add to my Lilith and Ortega's have the skin, gun and sword to paint on the one then all the Ortega's will be painted as well... Is my first attempts at Wet Blending and NMM so its taking a lot longer then my normal 45min-1hr to paint em, Perdita took about 11hrs Santiago 15, Papa Loco about 13, and Lil Nino was about 9. Then I am currently working on Francisco and am about 10 hours into him.
  13. That is an awesome miniature what line is it from?
  14. ;p that explains a lot of it then.
  15. Bought a pack of em last week from my FLGS, got home cleaned,glued, and primed em, and started painting them 2 days ago. When I noticed... other then Papa Loco(and they are tiny)... none of em have eyeballs (well Nino might but he has shades on )Is this normal?
  16. 1) Favorite: Color of paint (the specific paint color listed on the lable) Mechrite Red 2) Favorite: Brand of paint Vallejo 3) Favorite: Sculptor Sandra Garrity 4) Favorite: Painter I'm a suck up... but Eric J's Ramos is by far the coolest mini I have seen in along time the free hand mirror reflection is just all so inspiring. 5) Favorite: Mini Company (other than Wyrd, we all know it's everyones #1) Reaper 6) Painting Preference: Metalics vs. NMM Wet Blending so NMM 7) Mini Preference: Fantasy vs. Sci Fi Sci Fi 8) Mini Preference: Male vs. Female Female 9) Mini Preference: Human vs. Monstrous Human 10) Favorite: Paint Brush you use the most El Cheapo $1 brushes from local Hobby Store(work and last longer then Citadel) 11) Favorite: Paint Job You've Done (provide link if possible) http://coolminiornot.com/239730 12) Favorite: Paint Job Ever (provide link if possible) http://coolminiornot.com/111965 13) Desire: A mini company from which you've never painted a mini, but want to Rackham 14) Desire: A mini you most want to paint, but haven't Ellen Stone Cowgirl... 15) Favorite: Mini related forum (again, other than your obvious favorite; Wyrd) 16) Favorite: Site you find most useful in terms of helping learn mini painting/Sculpting Youtube or MiniatureMentor... 17) Desire: A sculpt you would love to see, but doesn't yet exist Forge World line of the Primarchs 18) Ambition: What would you most like to achieve in the painting hobby 8+ on CMoN 19) Least Favorite: Thing you most dislike about mini painting (think eyestrain, back ache, being socially outcast, lost time, costs, etc...)I sell mini's on ebay to make some extra cash... I hate when a model I spend 45 minutes on sells for 3x more then a model I spent 15+ hours on. 20) Least Favorite: Paint Brand you've tried P3(I hate the lids...) 21) Least Favorite: Mini Company who's sculpts/style just don't make you want to paint them. Games Workshop... I can't stand painting 150 of the same friggen Smurf/Orc, Its why I love Malifaux so much 5-7 characters painted to a HIGH standard and then I am practically done.Until I buy a 2nd...3rd... or 4th Crew
  17. awesome color scheme and paint job, I just finished watching the miniaturementor wolf video where they teach how to do all the blending like that so think I am going to have to pick up her box set and give it a try
  18. Lilith and crew are a very fast melee offensive force. Lilith herself has a very high attack and very high defense as well, but all of the Nephilims have a lower and lower defense the bigger they get. With the Lilith crew though you are going to want to buy the box set and either the young nephilim, or one of the mercenary gunman,(Hans for higher point games, and the Convict gunman for smaller)
  19. Simple question how do you Pronounce the name of the game... I have heard from Mal-Foy(like as in Drako...) Mali-Fau, and Mali-Fax.... I used to live in Georgia... had a very thick southern accent, then when I moved to Oregon I got tossed in every single speech therapy class to talk "normal" and so there are several words I have a hard time pronouncing... Drawing, Crayons,Rural and now Malifaux
  20. Going to go back through tonight and touch up her uhh... Miniskirt thing... camera revealed where I could make it better... But anyways I was going for a "hellraiser" type theme with out having to break out the magisculpt, so just some simple filing... Then the 4 Reaper minis I did yesterday as well... Now I just need to finish up my Tots and Nephelim
  21. Lilith and the Tots arrived today, they are in the process of being primed atm... Made a minor conversion to her top... so lets just say she is now topless should have whole crew done with in next 2-3 + 3 more reaper minis
  22. mail arrives around 12-1... Have a job interview today so I will probably miss it when it arrives.
  23. Well I mostly paint Reaper stuff atm for people to use in D&D games. But once my Lilith box set gets to me I promise to put up some pictures of them
  24. My name is Andrew, I live up in Forest Grove, Oregon and game out in Beaverton, Oregon at Knightfall Games. Had my first experience with Malifaux when we got Lady Justice and The Ortega's as a commission at the studio I was working for, and decided to do a little research into the game, since I was growing bored with the other miniature games I had been playing for the past 11 years. (23 now) Did a commission for some one and as payment got a deck of cards and Lilith box set.(which had better be here Monday or I am going to slap the post man) But anyways got to play my first game against Goblyn13 where he let me use his Lilith box set.(must say I am glad I choose this set) But had a blast and was surprised that I actually won... Something about using whirl wind then drawing a red joker and laying waist to his leader and 3 headed tiger (sorry don't know all the names yet)
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