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Hapless Peon

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Everything posted by Hapless Peon

  1. Wombats games go as follows... 1. Set up terrain 2. Deploy crews 3. Start removing Ice Gamin, Hoarcats and Ice Golem 4. Remove Rasputina 5. Shake hands with opponent. Easy to follow and no FAQ required Love your work Wombats
  2. Loving the bases so far. Can't wait to see them with some paint on.
  3. Dear Victoria, I think you would be a lovely addition to my Belles. Your complexion is a little too rosy for my tastes but that can be fixed. You could be lovely dear, come and have a chat some time. Best to leave the cutlery at home though, last time we met you were a little too enthusiatic with them. Yours Sincerely, Seamus.
  4. I have my cards laminated and use a whiteboard marker for wounds and the like. For corpse counters I have used some spare 30mm bases and various skeletons/skulls to decorate them and finally for SS I use the Eldritch Gems.
  5. You asked for it! I think the earth he is emerging from needs more loose soil. It looks like mud at the moment.
  6. Ok, while taking breaks in between my other projects I have completed two new totems for Seamus. First up, a Grave Spirit. Second up, a Malifaux Child - this one is from Hasslefree Miniatures. I loved the sculpt and had to get one. Using it as a totem occurred to me afterwards. C + C Welcome.
  7. I have been running The Boxed set +Copycat for a few weeks now and have had mixed results (I'm sure in no small part to the learning curve). Try to take advantage of the utility spells of the Belles, (Undress, Lure and Distract) Bringing down your opponents defence really helps to get the neutral damage flips out instead of having negative twists all the time. Distract is a hard spell to get off but it does force your opponent to burn control cards to avoid it (especially if you have crows on the casting duel). Using three Belles in tandem allows some flexibility in what you are throwing out. No you are not going to out damage your opponent but you can force them to blow through their deck, pull their crew out of position and chip away while taking very little in return. Sybelle I am in two minds about, I have had success of late with her spells and (0) Call Belle can be very useful. Otherwise I do find she can take some serious punishment and deal a bit back. Seamus has to be close to be effective but don't feel that he has to get in the thick of it. Careful use of Necrotic Ministrations can win you games. I think I'm rambling now so I'll leave it at that.
  8. Remember you can always have Myranda turn into a Rattler if you need it or alternatively another Cerberus. Note: it is just theory from my part, Marcus is going to be my next master and I have been looking into it.
  9. This thread, originally devoted to smack talk, has been derailed in the most hilarious fashion.
  10. And yet you produce such wonderful metal crack to sell to the rest of us addicts.... I'd say shame on you but just cannot bring myself to do it.
  11. I must say that we are having the same problem. The cover is coming away at the spine, we have read the book thoroughly but not been rough with it. May have to look into rebinding or similar.
  12. Dear Rasputina, How are you my lass? I'm afraid Lilith seems to be going a bit rough on your poor Ice Gamin that seems to have been left behind last night. She has the poor thing making novelty ice-cubes and well the poor thing looks close to breaking if you pardon the pun. I tell you what, since you didn't manage to catch up with me last night, how about I stage a daring rescue mission with my Belles and liberate the little guy? In return you never use December's Curse on me ever again, deal? Kind Regards, Seamus.
  13. Do you mean the ones in the rules discussion? They get locked as soon as one of the Rules Marshals makes the final ruling. No point leaving an answered topic open.
  14. To all of you stuck in 2009, Happy New Year from Australia! I hope everyone has a prosperous and safe 2010 and may all of your days be Wyrd!
  15. This is true, however this product will need very little of either. It is not as bad as working with resin though, that stuff is nasty. CNC terrain comes pre-cut with little tabs that can be easily cut with a hobby knife or cutters. a bit of hand sanding tidies it up nicely. You shouold see the Church Juliet is working on at the moment - looks really nice.
  16. Not sure if this would work for your purposes. Would need some extra corrugated iron slapped on haphazardly. It's from CNC terrain, and is made from laser cut mdf - comes flat packed like Ikea furniture. http://www.lovediceandpaintbrushes.com.au/index.php?_a=viewCat&catId=16
  17. I'm going to have to get some of those back2baseix forest bases off you for my Marcus crew.
  18. I pronounce it Mally-Foe with a soft "Y" sound. Like Malice. I figures it should be pronounced as a French sounding word.
  19. They are city streets bases from an ebay seller - Fenris Games. Not as high quality as Back2Baseix or Micro Art but I figure hookers should be on street corners. I'll do some close-ups with my next update.
  20. Bases have finally arrived so I have put my last two Rotting Belles to one side and got stuck into completing the first four. Seamus and Copycat Madam Sybelle and Rotting Belle. For a bit of a break I have started making up some corpse counters. GW Resin basing kits. Nothing fancy, just a few minutes work. Also making a corpse counter with one of the skeletons from the Corpse Cart. More greenstuff practise. As always C + C welcome
  21. I love it! Your girlfriend is one talented lady.Thanks for sharing the pic. The bases are a great touch.
  22. I'm a little sad to see that Marcus is considered weak, he is seriously tempting me to be my second master after Seamus. Is it the lack of beasts?
  23. Looking good, the hair is particularly striking. One minor point though, Her top blends into her hair, not a lot of difference in the blue shades. Perhaps it is just the photo though.
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