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Everything posted by Csonti

  1. I'm done with editing Lazarus. Hope it doesn't become worse.
  2. I volunteered for all the Freikorps stuff earlier but glad you made Lazarus. (That leaves only Hannah on my shrinking list.) Good article! Will run through it later and edit, enhance some parts.
  3. Hope, this one will help in case you need a strong arm.
  4. If you target a friendly model with something that requires an opposed duel you can choose to relent with the defender. In that case only the attacker need to flip (to reach a possible TN or to get triggers) and the result is an automatic tie. But this is only an option, you can opt for the normal way when you want to reach a straight damage flip like in your case and cheat up or down both initial duel flips from your Hand as you see fit.
  5. Terrifying is not a big issue in a Frozen Heart crew...
  6. The Sub Zero upgrade can be a real pain for Killjoy and most of the Viktoria crew as well. This gives all your Frozen Hart Minions (Wendigo, Ice Gamins, Silent One) the trigger that can abort its activation after the first swing. Good thing is that those Minions already have the necessary suit, so it will be an automatic thing. Rasputina has this trigger on her card and can get the suit from SS whenever it is needed. The Ice Golem lacks this option but it has Armor +2 which mitigates the damage potential greatly and you can also bring the Armor of December upgrade and use it on the Golem to pump his Armor to +3.
  7. The description of triggers' timing is quite definitive on this. So as stupid as it looks, Killjoy must hit an already dead model again in case Onslaught was declared.
  8. That was how the previous edition worked. In M2E, as several people already pointed out, you only skip certain parts of your activation. So indeed, you get Regen heal on a Paralyzed model. The rules are pretty clear on this.
  9. Quite a big necrothreading. THIS newer thread (or the FAQ itself) has all the answers you are looking for.
  10. It is not about "reality", it is about do we REALLY need this kind of stuff on the table? It is not creepy, it is just a dull B movie stuff.
  11. I'm glad I'm not the only one that says "meh.." to this crew. For example the depiction of violence is ultra extensive and quite self-serving in the case of the crossed guy. I think Malifaux should steer back to the creepy line that was very well represented by Baby Kade.
  12. But you know that you don't have to take the RJ if you don't want, right?
  13. You can also read through THIS.
  14. Good catch! It is no coincidence that (almost) all copying type Actions have a "doesn't list a model by name" clause.
  15. You can only get Disengaging Strikes when the model takes a Walk Action. The Lured model doesn't take any kind of Action, it just moves its Wk.
  16. With 4 ppl this could not be called a tournament, let alone a great, official Wyrd event. I think calling it off was the good decision. On the other hand maybe we can muse a little bit about how to get more faces next time. My guess: the time schedule described here simply doesn't work for many of us. I mean you can ask a day off from family to go to an event but if you remain at home AND ask for privacy during most of the weekend, that is a different story. I would try a 3 nights event next time. So you have to play a game each night from Friday to Sunday. In this case the tournament is still a weekend event and probably it is much more easier to schedule games during night hours when the family is on sleeping mode. Of course this would need players with roughly same time zones.
  17. The Freikorps got some long range support: Trapper is ready.
  18. Awesome material again! A little bit off-topic question: how would you evaluate the power of a summoner Dreamer list? I know that you talked about your in-game mistakes but I'm not sure the result would be different if you'd took a more promising path. To me, this looked a very one-sided game where your best result could be a draw.
  19. Joel, seeing that the interest is not overwhelming so far, maybe you should ping directly the people who said they are interested earlier. There is a chance that they don't wander here and totaly forget about this event during the last weeks. Hm?
  20. Thanks Joel! Mail sent. One note: probably you should ask for the time zone the player lives during the registration. That could be a useful information when you try to propose a time for your opponent.
  21. Great job! Would you care to share the softwares, applications used during the process? Thanks!
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