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Everything posted by Csonti

  1. IMO Repulsive is Zoraida's most useful spell. As others stated you can move your own models with it but the awesomesouce comes when you play against a Strategy or Scheme that needs models to be in a certain place (Claim Jump, Recconoiter, Stake a Claim etc.). I have won a tournament recently because I could sweep all the opponent's models from the strategic area during the last turn.
  2. Heh. The good old and never answered "What is considered an effect?" question rises its ugly head again. Maybe it will be answered in Book 3.
  3. As others stated, you can't move further than 8" from Collodi with a Marionette. And the change was about only one Pull Strings action per Activation. So you can move some then use Pull Stings once with a Marionette to move exactly 8" away from Collodi and then push him to B2B with the Doll.
  4. Great report! Sidenote: you can't reflip the core encounter table with SS, just the extended individual one.
  5. Situation: Ophelia companions Rami. Ophelia comes first and uses Family Tree to activate a Slop Hauler. Question: when does the Slop Hauler activates? a) Just after Ophelia and before the companioned Rami (because skill says he may activate after Ophelia ends her action) After Rami (since Rami was companioned before and must activate with Ophelia) c) players choice (just because)
  6. Haha, that would be funny thing by a lead jacket. Thanks for the clarification!
  7. Can you point your reference in the Rules Manual? As far as I know only the Armor skill (and in case of Wds the Object trait) states this. That's why I asked about RAI because RAW it can clearly reduce the damage to 0 without that half sentence about minimum 1 Dg in the skill's description.
  8. "Reduce the damage inflicted on this model from , , and by 3" Does that mean that unlike Armor it can reduce the damage to 0?
  9. Can you use an SS to pass the Df->11 duel for landing? RAW seems ok but I want to double check it.
  10. Odin, you didn't take into account the fact, that Creepy Fog expires at the end of the turn. So if you pack your high class minions and/or master behind it and lose the next initiative then... you are in trouble. Especially against crews with multiple Companion options. This is a huge gamble which is very fluffy with a Stitched but it's hardly a game breaker tactic. Also there are many possibilities to deal with this. Hans is just one. Young and Mature Nephilims don't need LoS to make a Diving Attack. (You can even save your Mature after killing the Stitched with Lilith's Transposition or Lilithu's Lure or Zoraida's Obey.) All horsemen can make ride-by attacks against it. The same is true for the Coryphees or the Ronin. These are examples just by hart. I'm sure there are many more options. Also, if you have a terrain piece on the board with Ht4, if you climb/fly/teleport on the roof with a Ht2 model, you do have LoS on anyone behind the fog. I don't want to say the Stitched is a bad model, not at all. What I want to say that they are not unbeatable and they are not more underpriced than a few other models in the game. (Rotten Belle for 4 SS? Yes, please! Grave Spirit for 1 who can cast Molly's instant killing spell with SS use? Hmm...)
  11. Go for it! :flame: Vassal works well in my experience in the case of WM/H. It gives many new opportunities to play for the gamers without harming any interest of the developer or the LGS.
  12. There is no defender in simple duels. Terrifying duel is a Wp->X duel without attacker or defender. In other way: if tie is enough to pass a duel, then it can't be a defensive duel. So no Stubborn bonus and even Immune to Influence models has to take it. Provided they are living like Perdita. Perdita's skill trumps Pandora's. She can shoot her to death without any hassle. Sidenote: these questions arrised a few times here, so a search could give you an answer without posting a new thread.
  13. Very good report and even better table. Just a note: Zoraida can't cast spells after she used Raven.
  14. As far as I know the rewording of Gunfighter in the Rules Manual changed nothing in this aspect. Perdita's Pistol is not considered a melee weapon when she is the target of Self-Loathing.
  15. I couldn't find the value of the Hooded Rider either. Anyone can share some positive experince with him/it?
  16. A bear with ninja reflexes. I like that!
  17. Can Lilith with Master of Malifaux ignore the Stitched's Creepy Fog while drawing LoS? Or in other words: is Creepy Fog considered a terrain?
  18. Bumping it in hope for a Marshal's answer.
  19. Pfff... I have sheduled the start of a new league at my LGS just after the said March 25th release of the PDF...
  20. That still keeps the other, even more cheesy way legal: the one when you cast Dementia on Pandora with her totem...
  21. I see your point but if you want range, you should hire the Convict. It's better than 2 Autopsies and leaves Corpse Counter.
  22. Since I'm not a Resser player I would like to hear some arguments from you about the positive side of the Guild Autopsy. Looking at its card it just seems way underpowered compared to other Resser models. Does anybody use this model? What are the experiences?
  23. Muhahaha. Spelling mistakes: Waldgeist Lilitu Again, thanks for this huge and awesome work, Ratty!
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