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Everything posted by Csonti

  1. If anybody wants to try the new rules we will be running test evenings on Tuesdays in Cantina club, Budapest starting from 6 pm till late night. Drop me a message if you would like to participate. Csonti
  2. Awesome (as always)! Sidenote: this post could go to the main section too. I assume not just new players would find this VERY useful.
  3. This is from Lazyfaux: So I don't get your problem. Are you using the v2 link given at the OP?
  4. Erm... it is directly spelled out under the section about opposed duels -> flip fate card. Rulebook p32.
  5. Both of them. Reason: rules state explicitly this.
  6. Please note that this is from the last beta PDF but I doubt it changed in the book - what I don't have at hand right now.
  7. Don't get distracted by the above philosophical discussion. Only Walk Actions initiated in an enemy's melee range trigger a disengaging strike. End of story.
  8. I think I rather concede here. It will be better for both of us.
  9. I don't know what is your point with this but I think you are wrong. The opportunity to take a Disengaging strike is linked to the "enemy model that the moving model is engaged with" - remember we are at the start of the Walk Action. So no, Model B doesn't have a chance to strike. Not even literally.
  10. Nope. Model B doesn't get a chance to stop Model A. Only Walk Actions initiated in an enemy's melee range triger that. Since Model A was not in B's melee range, he can't take the strike. Model A just walks through the melee range of B unhindered.
  11. That's why I ask for a FAQ clarification. It is certainly not clear right now. I could argue for hours in defence of BOTH interpretation.
  12. Since in some missions it is an important factor I would like to get an official clarification about what kind of attacks and effects earn a "kill credit" for a model. We had a game with Make them Suffer and there were situations when we need to stop and talk about the case. Examples: - Zoraida hits his doll, the damage is transfered to the Sewn Fated enemy and dies. - Z obeys a Waldgeist and the attack kills the enemy model. In both cases we ruled that Z doesn't get the credit but the rulebook has nothing concrete about this. Thanks!
  13. Our local veteran player saw the potential of the upgrade instantly and swept the floor with a Rasputina player 3 times in a row without a problem. I noted this during the open beta but sadly it did not get enough traction and maybe the devs didn't see this as a real problem. The rest is history...
  14. In case the enemy flips BJ, you can do it with a very low crow too. Or fliping the RJ for the attack also yields a kill shot in most situations since the enemy can't cheat.
  15. Please, point out the problem(s). Without that it is hard to correct them.
  16. It costs nothing since for the 2 used SS the model gets the normal benefits ( on Df flip, on damage and damage prevention) like anyone else would AND she will heal 4 damage at the end. But I don't want to derail this thread nor convince you in any way about the strength of this upgrade when it is on Barbaros and he is coming at you with Lilith in pair.
  17. This is one of the most annoying upgrade from wave1 so balancewise 2 damage in this case would be more than enough IMO, but I can't argue with the above reasoning.
  18. I just discovered the game details link but the page looks uneditable right now. Are we going to fill those pages or that is your authority?
  19. You were talking about similar range (in this case 8"). Some of your examples ignore this. Others can be shut down easily by blocking charge lanes. Vs shooting soft cover is a good resource. Probably you didn't take into account the option of using SS on a Df flip which grants on damage eliminating the possibility of having a straight flip most of the time. I don't sure that you calculated with Ramos' Df trigger either. Damage prevention? Etc. All in all I can't see any of these examples as strong or reliable as the Marcus trick which only needs LoS and 8" proximity.
  20. With the same high percentage reliability, relative low resource requirement and practically having only the don't let Marcus have LoS option as defence? I would be interested in concrete examples on this.
  21. It is also worth noting that there are some abilities that deny the built in suit of a model (I'm looking at you, Hannah). So there are cases when Lady J can't have an automatic go on Critical Strike.
  22. Good point. Now that is a clear thing. Thanks for pointing out. I don't have the book at hand but if this true my memory is a complete crap. I remember to checked that part and thought that it was untouched from the last beta.
  23. Your reasoning is not accurate. The method of placing the scheme markers are under the core rules so you can't mix in the more specific rule wins thing which has to be used only in case two SPECIAL RULES contradict each other. Normally rules on cards (special rules) trump rules in book (core rules) no matter which one is more specific. On the other hand I think your conclusion is right. So that a model has to obey placement rules since the ability only allows a free, out of activation Interact action but not the overriding of the placement restrictions. However if this is true abilities like Finish the Job has a very limited use since models quite frequently die in melee. So I got a bit uncertain of RAI...
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