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Everything posted by Wombats

  1. How are people going with Hoarcat spam? I have my three Hoarcat Prides and Sabretooth mostly painted but have yet to field them. There is an ancient thread mired in the dark past of testing, thought I'd whack this up as a specific tactica on mentally unstable cat lovers. Probably also worth mentioning Marcus/Myranda as they debatably have more synergy than Rasputina.
  2. Re: starter rules Read up on the Chronicles along the left hand menu there. If you like the Chronicles' stories the book is well worth the price...it also continues on from the Chronicle timeline which is awesome. I'd strongly suggest just buying the book straight off the bat, the story is engrossing, the overall style is delicious and it has every single card in the game in the back with piccies of the minis. I just ordered a second one so I can drool over it while I lend my first one out to mates. I've been playing miniatures games since I was a kid (pushing 30 now) and haven't gotten as good value enjoyment-wise since...maybe playing Bloodbowl leagues with mates?
  3. *taps keyboard* Is this thing on? Cards need protecting? Have no fear! New, revolutionary "Card protectors" are here! I'd actually love a big scruffy tarot card deck that scuffs up nicely. Possibly even slightly foxed corners, maybe even a little badgered.
  4. I haven't tested the Hoar Cat Prides yet. They are nice because they can heal themselves (and Tina can't heal anyone!), but then so can Arachnid Swarms. They also lack synergy as the Devour ability is good for dealing with Hordes and so is December's Curse. Watching your cards closely and whipping out a Height 2 Devour sounds like gold, though. Just depends if your opponent sees you hordeing that card.
  5. Yeah, grab some card slips from a hobby store. Makes them shuffle a lot easier, too
  6. Digging that Executioner and his belly hair.
  7. I've been trying to bring myself to drop the Borg for more spiders and just can't justify it. Walk 5 with Arachnid has just helped out too often. Joss is considerably slower around terrain, which Malifaux should have a lot of. Also, one of my mates has started gluing spiders to a plastic cog from a cheap analogue clock and magnetising the cog to bases. Very little fiddling and makes shifting them from swarm to individual bases much easier.
  8. I got told Ramos would be hard to play, too. I actually had more success with him than Raspy starting out... ...mainly because I used him to make sure all my Arachnids and Borg were nicely healed up and Defense buffed. It is not hard to keep him at the back with a Walk of 3. If you do go Raspy, swap a couple of Gamins out for an Arachnid Swarm. Armour 3 with its own healing flips if you buff them up.
  9. I don't actually get to shoot him that much as I use him as a melee shield for Tina then Biting Chill things away. While his shooting is great, its nothing next to 3 December's Curses from Tina plus Overpowers. Even December's Curse gets +1 damage if the Golem activates first...
  10. Pants, missed that second page. Will have to nick the concept when I make my Pigshooter's Lodge.
  11. Nightmare Before Christmas has the Wombats paw-print of approval. I started the Mad Hatter's Tea Party concept so I didn't have to see Sybelle from behind all game. It is an Eldritch Horror That Man Should Not Wot Of. Just don't run her at me backwards, 360' line of sight is no excuse!
  12. Go Keltheos! Use the force/soulstones/coffee! I'm looking at Raspy's Gamin Gaggle and Crazy Cat Lady crews and thinking I really need to make a stronger distinction between the mini and its base (they are all blue, drybrushed white). Going to be getting Ramos' spider horde up to speed straight after that, need to smash a clock and magnetise them or base-swapping shinanigans.
  13. :offtopic:Yeah but you have to be really careful with them, a Steamborg or Sabretooth cruising over and popping Terrifying on them while they are right next to a board edge will eat your control hand or end up with most of them making lonely tests. Its a great gotcha that their biggest strength, maneouvrability, can get them into a heaps of trouble, too. Also, if you bring one, you need to bring two of his mates to hold his hand in case he has a hissy fit in the corner so while they are great, they aren't necessarily that far ahead on points efficiency against other Beasts.
  14. Googling the buggery out of them but can't find the height of the actual models (aiming at 28mm) They look like a definite possibility for the March Hare as well. May have to hit up Toys R Us.
  15. I can't get that link function at all and as I am at work, shouldn't go Googling about. Just ordered a full metric buttload of Gremlins, though, so I'm very interested in the painted version - I can use it as a guide to my Gremlin's base. How much is it painted? The Australian dollar goes a long way in the US right now as we regulate our financial markets (Yay us!), it will hopefully work out similarly with the Euro.
  16. I'm a Ramos / Tina player myself. My only objection to her starter box is I usually don't need more than 1 Golem and 1 Gamin. The others points may as well be spent on melee monsters that can heal demselves - two Arachnid Swarms worked fantastically last game and I'm testing Hoar Cat Prides next. Remember she can channel Biting Chill through the Golem, too - it can even be cast in combats as it has no th:range Be careful what you engage in melee - it won't be easy to target with December's Curse which is your main nuke. I haven't tried out Marcus or many of his beasts, am loving Ramos though. Planning to pick up Marcus just to complete the Arcanist crews.
  17. Welcome aboard Which crew are you playing?
  18. Would be interesting to see some big chunky tarot cards, taking this style a step further. Mind you, I'd rather Wyrd spent their time and effort on more awesome minis if this is going to be a drain on their art department.
  19. It was pretty surprising seeing an early charge from Lilith into Nicodem in a recent game. He got it under control, though, Nicodem was on 1 Wound four times but pulled a very convincing victory out of it. Her Black Blood was the only thing stopping her from being swatted down by Nicodem's entire crew in short order, they couldn't afford to lose 1 more Wound. I was sitting next to that game, not playing it, though. A lot of stuff looks overpowered (Leap, for example) thinking in the framework of other games but in Malifaux it seems to work out.
  20. Random thoughts: Rusty Alice has some great synergy with Ramos, gets you cards for the Stokes (Reactivate from Brass Arachnid) and summoning constructs. Her gun also has an equivalent to the Borg's Decapitate which can force your opponent to munch through four of his cards between them!
  21. So multiple Skeeters are really just there for casting another (1) spell? Sounds like 12 Gremlins and 9 Pigs is the way forward for 50SS.
  22. Thanks, Lalo, that is brilliant, I'll have to start checking out battle reports instead of asking inane questions L D P, Mephetran has my first one, I swapped it away not realising how much I'd want it I wish they'd hurry up and put Teddy up, I need to buy a christmas present for myself. So... 4 x Skeeters (Do you often start with these or is it for summoning?) 2 x Box Set 1 x 4 Gremlins 3 x 3 Piglets 1 x Pork Whisperer 1 x Daisy Duke Which comes to: 12 Gremlins 9 Piglets 2 Warpigs 2 Pork Whisperers 4 Skeeters ...and a spare S'omer to get some poor fool addicted to Malifaux then feed his crew to my pigs, Deadwood style. Thinking about going up to 12 Piglets just so they get painted together. Does your card denial / drawing become considerably weaker if you go pig heavy?
  23. That is all kinds of awesome. I'm aiming more for a Disney-style colour scheme so the gaping jaws and blood will make a contrast. thetang has captured the Seamus fluff perfectly, though. I love the head on the plate and the whole grimey feel is executed perfectly.
  24. As soon as Teddy is up the store I'm ordering a swag of Gremlins. How many of each model am I likely to need, factoring in Git Yer Bro, The Other White Meat, Bacon! etc? Currently I'm planning on: 6 Gremlins 6 Piglets 2 Warpigs 2 Hog Whisperers (One limited edition) Would I need more for a 50SS game? That looks like 60SS worth of models all up...will I need more? I'm planning to go quite pig heavy and try to bring in more Gremlins for objective grabbing towards the end of the game. I also have zero experience with S'omer so please feel free to speak to me a like a slow child, because I effectively am one
  25. That link would be mighty useful in the original post. I can name three potential Henchpersons off the top of my head who are already actively promoting Malifaux. I just posted this up on WargamerAU's Malifaux forum. For the MS&U, Solidarity and Awesome Goggles!
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