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Everything posted by morella

  1. @Panda - quit pestering me! I'm getting to it! Before I start expanding on what I had mentioned previously, I just want to note that, my perceptions may be skewed due to social anxiety issues, so I'll try to be clear when relating any examples
  2. That is interesting. I've felt from the beginning that this game could really do a lot to bring more women to the hobby. But I'll be posting (a lot) more on that in the other thread.
  3. From the origin of this thread, I will just reiterate that as far as the sexualization of women (and men) in models, comics, the media, whatever - I just don't care. I know there's a lot of people who do, and I've met a few women who get really upset at me for not feeling strongly about it, but there's just so many other things to get ticked off about in the world. I just don't like poorly executed models, regardless of what they're wearing. And for me, I found the scene with Cassandra amusing. But then, I've known a few women who would do something just like that. This genre (comics, fantasy, sci-fi, etc) has a history of augmented physical representations, both male and female, so it is really hard to separate what is continuing the expectations and what is playing with them in a new way as a means of critique. added - took too long writing this, so I was referring to stuff from several posts back
  4. I'm an idiot - I totally scrolled past the poll to read your post:facepalm::slap: That's me chastising myself. I could go back and edit it, but will leave it there as an ode to my own fallibility. On a side note, I am becoming much more sophisticated in my use of smilies.
  5. Title of the thread - just a little bit creepy. But, girl, obviously. Note, you didn't state for yourself. Also, I more had in mind a poll like: What percentage of the players in your area are female? <1%, 1-5, 5-10, 10-20, 20-50, >50, etc, but I have no idea how to make such things (yes, I could probably figure it out, but I am busy working on the other post, and I'm lazy)
  6. Argh, now I've stepped in it. Let me collect my thoughts and I'll be back. On this note, just out of curiosity, it would be interesting to have a poll to find out the perceived % of female gamers, because really I have no idea. I'm (a little) older, so I have a twenty year memory of going to LGS and a lot has changed in that time by my observation (as in, more women), so a lot of my perceptions which have been formed in the past may not be the same as younger women. So step up and talk young (and older) ones! You didn't say this, but I wanted to note, I am not fond of the term "gamer girl" because, in my case it is not really accurate, and also can be somewhat diminutive depending on its use (as in, I wouldn't refer to anyone over the age of 16 as a gamer boy; also, it's possible I may not have minded so much ten years ago) Will come back to this in a while. ---------- Post added at 02:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:42 PM ---------- I'll be throwing stuff up in multiple posts to separate relevant points. And for anyone who is like "What?" this is an offshoot of a side conversation that started in the thread referenced above by PandaDirector. But please, ladies and gents, feel free to pop in on the conversation. I know there are quite a few ladies who use the forum, so I personally would appreciate hearing from them, as I really don't want to be the voice for my gender (that would be a mistake for everyone involved)
  7. and my little pony (for those of you who missed that thread, just search)
  8. I'm happy to discuss it in another thread, and hopefully other ladies would chime in just to get a better picture, but I won't be the one to start it. I was planning on writing about it in a blog post and some point in the future though. And I had no idea you liked cute things!*grin* There was a thread on the reaper forums a long time ago about the attack of the cute in the minis industry.
  9. Ewwwwwwwwwwwww! So did not need that image this early in the day I didn't mean to pick on you, I thought it was nice of you to note, because I think you're great. Just wanted to add that, for me at least, there are larger issues to consider if the goal is to increase the number of women gamers, this would not even make my top ten. And the Dark Eldar lady? Yeah....... ironic Also, have you seen Reaper's Legion of Justice and Caeke? Adding - Also, I skipped this thread for a few days because I interpreted the title as someone was looking for a more risque Lady J. Like the woman doesn't have a hard enough time fighting undead in a corset and skin-tight pants.
  10. Just curious, because I like themed lists, if anyone has tried using Collodi and all of the effigies in a game? If so, how did it work out? Seems like it would not be a great idea, but the thought of it amuses me. I'm hoping to get my Collodi crew painted up in the next few weeks and will probably try it myself eventually.
  11. BTW, if anyone has seen the old TV show Soap, imagine the list of questions in the first post being read in the manner of the ending previews of next week. Also, if Rathnard reads this - wanted to note I wasn't trying to call you out, just that you had mentioned your new crew in another thread, and I always like hearing about your crews, because you're awesome. As for Ten Thunders, I'm a completist so I will no doubt have them eventually. But the image of the three women fighting (I'm too lazy to go find it now) really got me excited about what will be happening with that.
  12. I try and make it a point to speak for no one but myself, but the level of nudity of a mini has never bothered me and I have known a lot of other ladies with pin-up/comic book tattoos so I assume I'm not the only one. But it's nice that you offer that consideration - I just feel there are lots of other, more significant obstacles ladies face in entering the hobby, but that may be quite skewed by my perceptions. That said, this model is just not appealing. I have noticed (in general, there are lots of exceptions) the "more nude" a model is (either gender), the less proportional it seems to be. I'm not sure if this because of concept, difficulty of execution, or lack of familiarity with the human subject (and no, I don't mean anything by that, I'm thinking more of the traditional image of an art class painting nudes). I have seen loads of partially nude models that I really like, so it can be done well.
  13. I thanked you for this - I don't have a problem with the semi-nudity on Taelor, but I'll be doing the same thing for the same reason with this model. I'm going to do a separate post, it's too early for me to figure out how to quote multiple people.
  14. This got me to look back in my files - Krampus and Carver models would be awesome. I'd also love to have special rules for the Easter gremlins with some encounters. And I sent you a PM. Thanks!
  15. Me too, for the same reasons. There's another topic: what fluffy/thematic lists would you (do you) use? I've been toying with an idea called Summer at Granny's House.
  16. This thread has no particular topic, it's just, I've gotten bored with watching the debate threads (no offense intended to anyone at all there, just saying that I've moved on). Anyway, perusing some of the older threads, I grabbed some topics to start off in another direction, hopefully. Hoping some others will chime in just so I have a reason to keep checking in 20 times a day Who is planning to collect a Ten Thunders force? What do you hope the rumored story/campaign packs are going to add? What is going on with Rathnard's Seamus crew? Will I be able to get the limited (so far) edition puppets I missed last year without spending millions of dollars on ebay?
  17. That's an interesting and important point - that balance means different things to different people. For my part, I see (my preferred enactment of) balance as meaning in the hands of a skilled player, most masters are on relatively equal footing, a point which many players have shown can occur with those masters that are commonly seen as weak. I've stated elsewhere, and will reiterate, I have no problem with the idea that some masters are trickier than others to use effectively, as it gives me something to work towards, adding an extra layer with which to challenge myself (eventually). But then, in all things, I view myself as the real opponent. (note - somebody local has finally responded to my pleas to get a game in - hope they don't change their mind - yeah!, just wanted to share)
  18. Edited to Add - sorry if it wasn't clear, and yeah I do it a lot, I reread my posts and have to (over)clarify Thanks for mentioning it edonil - I updated my signature to include this in case it was not as commonly understood as I assumed For my part, I have no idea what all the different smilies mean, so I just use the same one. One of these days I'll bother looking it up.
  19. @WarlockFiretop - just to let you know, I didn't read any snarkiness in either your post or the response by nilus - just jumping in because I worry about the same things re tone ETA - the way I read it, you were not suggesting balance over fun, just that perhaps if the game is going to retain the elements people enjoy, putting up with some imbalance may be necessary
  20. Yeah, I have my issues with GW but I express it by spending my money elsewhere (here) for the last few years. But I'll never leave entirely. I may actually start some 40k again here soon, as I am having difficulty finding people to play Malifaux with, so I'm scheming to infiltrate and convert. Eldar were my first love, And I'm not going to bash the company, but that is my basis for comparison in terms of speed of faq/errata and listening to the customers/fans (and I've noted before that Wyrd's speed in getting these out is impressive to me). Perhaps I learned to be patient because - Harlequins.
  21. This. I think people forget that the game (Malifaux) itself is less than three years old. And a lot of kinks have been worked out in that time period. I don't know if it's just a generational thing, or if I've just developed patience (which, shocking), but I don't get a lot of these arguments for that reason. And my opinion, because I'm a fluff person, I'd rather have character if it had to be an either/or proposition. Not saying it does. Anyway, thanks to everyone for posting, it's interesting to hear about some of these other games, though every time I think about getting into another one and I need to lock myself into the shed of shame and smother myself in all the unpainted plastic (and metal). ETA: Omenbringer posted while I was typing, and I've got nothing to add really, just clarify that I didn't start this thread to have yet another debate. I was just curious about other game systems I haven't followed. And I think it has been fairly civil for the most part.
  22. +1 to Q'iq'el forever - you always express my thoughts on these issues better than I can.
  23. Mine disappeared for a little while in the last few days. No idea why - didn't clear my cache or anything. I was thinking maybe because I had thanked several people in a short time it had locked it for some reason (I broke it), but that's just wild speculation. ETA - Although I did log in from my office, and when I logged in again at home it was there, not sure if related.
  24. There's a thread here to try and come up with a basic starter suggestions list(s) for each master. Any feedback appreciated, with the intent of posting a guide here. I was going to post in the different faction areas, but decided instead to ask others to spread the word in the area they frequent. Thanks
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