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Everything posted by paradox

  1. Incidentally, I gave your's and Chuck's phone numbers to John Holcombe (of Pro or Con). I can get you his email/number if you want. Obviously you could line up any kind of event you like.... I don't have a date yet, but I bet he could tell you.
  2. I'd guess that it's just that Malifaux turns your crank right now and that's fine. If the game truely meant nothing, nothing would stop you from getting some money back out of it to reinvest in malifaux/other stuff. IMO there is a difference between putting a game down and quitting entirely cause you don't care. I put down my GW stuff for about 4-5 years. In fact, I needed cash so I sold a good deal or traded etc. But I bought and traded into a 2500pt daemon army in the past 6 months (even as I seek to unload the rest of my undead I've collected in the past 15 years). There was a time when my opinion of GW was much like yours seems to be of PP. But I bet if you sell it all off, you'll wish you hadn't. And I bet you'll play again, even if just in a different capacity. I think you'd really like MK2. But I think that you want a solid, released rule set and maybe more casual play than competative. Which is why you should play me.
  3. MK2 is alot better and more fun to play than MK1 had become. The Hordes factions will turn out fine. 99% of what you hear read is gamer hyperbole because they feel they have a stake in the game design now and have formed an emotional attachment to ideas X Y and Z. It's a brilliant move on PPs part, IMO. Lots of people might end up pissed, and a few might ditch the game over it, but selling an emotional attachment cements brands. People seem to often say PP is hurting in the same breath they say they are the next GW. Kinda ironic. Dave, you say you are less an less enthused. How many minis/factions have you sold off so far? Just sayin.
  4. I'm in the same boat. I have a Justice box and an executioner. But that has been a pretty successful build for me so far. I'm considering picking up a Perdita box.
  5. To be specific, he's a scrutator. So he's like Sevy jr. n so far as his rank and role in the church go. You might say he is of the priestly class I guess (I really don't follow the RPG side). So not exactly a "zealot caster" but it sounds like he does something for them. It doesn't change the fact that he has the look of a ballon. He looks like a model from a french game (they just have that kind of look). It's not something I'm terribly partial to (as I've noted about the Ortega's in the past).
  6. This model looks silly! It does. Really. But it is the newest warcaster for Menoth.
  7. I think I've decided I'd rather run a Perdita box than the Sonnia one I picked up. Anyone interested in swapping their Perdita set for a Sonnia one? Everything is still NIB.
  8. Never thought about stuffing him in a box! I usuaully use him as a bullet magnet and just run at them (trying to use cover if possible). The efforts put into killing him usually means everything else gets a couple rounds free of attention early on. This usually means my marshalls are picking off the enemy. Running everything up in the 1st turn helps too, as it puts enough potential threats out there that they can't really focus on just one without taking retribution from the others. In many ways I count on the ranged threats my masrhals pose to make the opponent reconsider trying to drop enough shots into the executioner. If that doesn't work, it means I have 3 cherry mashals, judge and Justice in their face.
  9. I have to agree with Fool on Justice. I've found plenty of uses for soulstones with her as I've played more.
  10. Hmmm... 5 out of 10 players prefer Guild. Good thing I wasn't there to tip the scales!
  11. I didn't find a mini, but someone did make it out of legos. http://www.mocpages.com/user_thumbnails/spearjr@hotmail.com/www.brickshelf.com_gallery_spearjr_Castle_Tree-of-Woe_tree03.jpg
  12. Don't be shy. We've the same with MAOW in the past. How do you think RIW got it's 4x4s?
  13. You should organize a terrain day on a saturday, or do a terrain night some Tuesday. It helps to have extra hands and pre-set stations to assembly line. All terrain made goes to the store so everyone benefits. Pizza for workers is also a bribe.
  14. I don't like mixing themes too heavily between different games. It helps keep things fresh.
  15. So, a few weeks back I won a Sonnia boxed set. Still unopened, as I'm contemplating Perdita instead. I currently own a justice set + executioner. I like that so far. In my contemplatings of how I'd expand to two masters, I was never super drawn to Sonnia, but I can't say as I'm partial to Perdita's sculpt (very frenchie-looking, what with her overly long torso and all). So while I enjoy Sonnia's sculpt, I'm not terribly drawn to her rules. Df4 for one. At Df5, Justice is easy enough to hit for my tastes. Two, the whole fire thing I've done before (I'm a Menite player as well in WM). I'm also not super stoked on the stalkers, but Samael looks like good fun. Conversly, the rest of the Ortega's look interesting (torso sillyness excepted). They also seem to provide that nice counterpoint to my melee-centric Jutice I've been running thus far. Basically, I'm trying to decide to keep Sonnia and learn to love the set, or trade off for the Ortega's, who I originally had in mind. Any particular thoughts?
  16. LOL! Now we're smokin with manja ganja!
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