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Everything posted by blkdymnd

  1. Malifaux is pretty much everything I loved about Warmachine without all the silliness that I hated about Warmachine (namely feats, but there are others). But thankfully Malifaux has so much better stuff going for it and many unique ideas that really sets it apart from any of PP's stuff.
  2. I'm using the new Worldworks sewer cardstock terrain. It looks pretty awesome for an underground Union boss.
  3. Those two seem the no brainer for any of the Guild boxes. I know those are the two models I literally have on the way to my house to add to my Lady J box.
  4. Damn, only played 2 games so far in 3 weeks?? Actually I got my book about a week and a half after Gencon... still though, I gotta get more in!
  5. Thats why they are Arcanists... they all work together. Vitzh, you talk like you can ONLY use Ramos and those that are part of his "crew", when the rulebook freely allows you to use any Arcanists models with him as well as any Mercenaries. Take advantage of that for Pete's Sake. I run Lady J. They are pretty much also kind of a one-minded battle group. So according to your theory, there is no way I would use anyone from Sonnia or Perdita's battlegoup to help plug the gaps in their strategy? When I first saw "Tactica: Ramos", I too thought it was an actual Tactica (which people who have played the battlegroup A TON have provided some), and not just a vent session...
  6. yeah, Electrical Fire is my biggest pain the arse playing against Ramos...
  7. I know my friend who uses Ramos loves him so far, our first game down to Ramos killing the last of my Death Marshals (though I won by VP) and the one after that was a bit more lopsided in my favor, but he is still learning him. The first game he advanced him up, the second game he laid back and summoned. The summoning approach seemed not as good. I suggested the Merc M&SU guy to use as a bodyguard for him to allow him to advance more unhindered and allow him to use his buffs better. The biggest problem he has is retrieving scrap counters. I think the individual spiders should work like the Canine Remains and bring him scrap counters back. Because he is just not hefty enough to run out in the middle of everything to grap a scrap or two.
  8. yeah, I would lay off any blisters and go pure boxsets, rulebooks, and decks. Show them how "out of the box" the boxsets truly are and then once the thing gets rolling, you can have them introduce some blisters to allow them to customize it up a bit.
  9. ... Because this is what Malifaux is all about. Again, we had Lady J vs. Ramos. I had treasure hunt and he had claim jump. I had already secured the treasure via a death marshall and had secured the terrain against him, so this wasn't terribly important, but it kept a moral victory away from him. Lady J had 9 damage on her. I was stalking Ramos, who had no one left, with Lady and Judge. Time for initiative. Ramos wins. My flips had been like this the whole game for most part, but I had still been winning. Ramos decides to finish off the Lady with Electric Fire X 3. First one goes off and I cannot stop it even after a soulstone. He does weak damage, but enough to kill Lady J, so I spend one to prevent. I get the Ace of Masks and leave her with 1 damage point left. He tunes up for a second blast and hits. I have 2 soulstones left. I spend one to help my Cheat. It fails. He does weak damage again, but I only have one point left on her.... Now, let's segue for a second. Any golfers will know out there the experience of duffing the course all day, hitting trees and water, divot after divot and you're just getting frustrated as hell. Then on the 18th, Par 3 you look to sail one wide only for it to drop about a foot from the cup... Segue back.... I have one point left and one soulstone left. The only thing I can do is hope to prevent enough and then she'll probably be killed by the last blast anyway. (I line up the tee shot...), so I spend my last stone to prevent (and the swing...), do my customary flip.... Red Joker! The look on my buddies face was priceless as he sunk into his chair accepting defeat and shaking my hand... This is what will keep me coming back to Malifaux... and golf
  10. This is what I'm planning on building up to from my current Lady J box... Lady J 2 Death Marshalls Executioner Hans Hamelin which should give me a pool of 5 stones if I figured right. Only thing I'm missing that I want in there is a Hoarcat Pride for Hamelin...
  11. We're getting a group order together, just wanted to know if the limited gremlin is still available for a $100+ order?
  12. Is it just me, or do you guys have the subconcious act of scanning for dice when you get ready for combat duels?
  13. What a blast! So we had at it, I knew mostly what I was doing, he had no clue not seeing the rulebook yet. But we went at it. We got long edge deployment. I had flipped Slaughter and he had flipped Recon and both chose two schemes. We kept them secret. I can't remember his, but mine were to keep him out of my deployment zone and keep my model count within 1 of his. I deployed Judge and 2 Marshalls in a group to one side and Lady and a Marshall on the other side. He bunched his up behind a building with 2 spiders playing flank on the other side. We advanced mostly up the center street with Judge and my Marshalls covering the flanks while Lady J kinda advanced up the middle. I knew she was my best shot at the Steamborg, so I wanted her to get dirty quick. Through the game, my Lady supporting Marshall ended up biting it to the two Spiders on the flank. Just kept whiffing his attacks and they got in a few that hurt him and then just blew up when he had 2 points left. Judge and the other Marshalls were fighting off the other spider and another one he had made while Lady J advanced on Ramos and the Borg. Ramos had hit her a couple times with Electrical Fire and the Steamborg finally advanced on her. After the Borg whiffed on a couple attacks she sent him spinning and pretty much whooped him. I wasn't able to rid the land of the scrap counters in time though and he made another spider. With a couple left and her down to 4 points, he sent in one and then another to take out the Lady leaving me down to Judge and one Marshall at that point. Ramos, for a DF 2 guy is hard to take down with that armor. And he had a couple stones left to protect as well. So even after Judge had done his best and the last Marshall, he still took out my Marshall to end the game on turn 8. After counting up though, I got the tactical win with 2 points for slaughter and getting one point each on my schemes. This game is incredible and both of us are completely sold. We forgot all about healing flips, so we'll remember next time and I know there were abiliities and tricks we forgot that we'll learn up on, but overall had a great time and planning our next game for Saturday. Nice work, Wyrd, on the card mechanics. The duels are really great fun and feel like almost a side game to the actual game. Amazing stuff, and I'm glad I got in on the ground floor of the development so I can stay caught up with all the new cool stuff.
  14. My LGS crew are sorta getting tired of my ADHD gaming, but I think I'm in. I will probably pick up the December crew and have them hopefully done by October. I have Lady J done currently.
  15. It looks like Worldworks will finally have very Malifaux compatible cardstock terrain! http://www.worldworksgames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7276&sid=ec58dfe239f0e5ae1657cc354f6b8550 They have previews for canals and sewers as well, all of them I can easily see fitting in Malifaux. Looking forward to this release.
  16. I did get my Warstore confirmation that mine shipped today!!! Hooray!!! Unfortunately, I live on the West Coast and UPS takes Conestoga Wagons to bring Ground packages out this way... so it looks like next Friday for me
  17. I'm hoping the Warstore gets their stock soon, so I can see the glamorous shipping confirmation!
  18. Does it really matter since you'll all be pine boxed anyway?
  19. Nice, you gotta somehow combine Wyrd with Ugly Dolls. Ugly Dolls are the best (my son has 2). And are the perfect medium for Malifaux plushies...
  20. Which is completely fine, I gotta have some surprises in the book when I get it. In fact, come Gencon, I may have to pay a little less attention here until I do get the book only so I can miss all the spoilers But not too long
  21. I found that a bit ago and was wondering the same thing.
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