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Everything posted by Draykin

  1. That is sweet...how would one go about getting some of your buildings? I have a couple made by my friends that used to work for the local GW, for the store campain game. Is there a link there somewhere to the "steampunked" rules that you use?
  2. Still a no go here on the Wet Coast....hopefully Mon,
  3. Thanx for the shots from the show tang! Things are looking good!
  4. I love Mordheim too...but how does a "Steampunked" Mordheim work?
  5. Its Christmas time its Christmas time!! LOL Damn this thing called "work", wish I was there celebrating with everyone
  6. Beautiful freehandidng DM! ...by the by, I have that entire series on DVD lol
  7. I hear ya'all! No package today ...but I'm still hopeful for tomorow. My last order only took a week to get here...but mailing someting to my parents (30min. away if you drive like I do) took almost 2 weeks....?? CrazyBones did you get in on the playtests?
  8. It may be a bit too late but if you see this hat at GenCon, go up to the guy wearing it and say, "Hey, are you Aardon from the Podthralls forum?" He pledges to send $1 for everyone that asks to the Podthralls.
  9. Raise a glass for those of us that couldnt make out this time! Any one going to the Ram?
  10. It usualy shows up within a week when shiped to Canada...I am hopeing that my order gets here by Fri. as well!!!! Unless they hold my order until after Gen Con and send it all at once.
  11. wait a minute wait a minute...wouldnt som'er teeth eating bacon be canabalizm??
  12. Is it just me or does the cat remind anyone else of "Bonkers" ....the cartoon from years ago? anyone? Nice job on the base and painting.
  13. I have heard of it but never seen "Baconnaise" before...is it an american thing?
  14. it was an interesting show. nice to see you here on the forum. what crew are you looking at starting with?
  15. Best of luck to you family ...hope they got it wrong and she turns out okay.
  16. that looks realy good...what is your method for doing NMM?
  17. This is AWSOME!! LOL I could totaly go for some undead gremlins! Nico would love to have them on his crew as canon fodder.
  18. Hey TBK, those look like they have been painted on the bare mettal? Do you not prime first?
  19. Now you've done it! My wife may use this idea for her Guild! LOL
  20. I like that magnets idea...got any WIP photos to demonstrate how you set that up?
  21. Thanx guys! This is fantasic news! Ill go and place my order right now so that when everyone gets there the book will be waiting.
  22. Thanx Eric, I didnt even check on the Molemen. My bad. ...it's a good thing then that my wife wants me to order the Victoria box...
  23. I am putting out a call to all my fellow testers! I have been talking with Eric and Nathan about getting my Malifaux book signed by them and all the other Playtesters that helped get the game ready for Gen-Con! I am hoping that all of you who will be stopping by the booth will be kind enough to endulge me and sign it? I unfortunatly can't make it to Gen-Con so I won't be there to meet and game with everyone. Maybe next year...
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