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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. I agree. And at least addressing us is more than the others have done so that's certainly appreciated! I must say that I'm dumbstruck by the whole silent treatment here. It's just weird. And not in that good wyrd way.
  2. I really like this, btw. It's very fluffy and I like the mechanics. Maybe a bit expensive (as it's competing with Obey for an Action and Obey is pretty damn rad). Also, a reason to bring Wicked Dolls with Zoraida would be very nice (I like the thematics of it, but I feel that Wicked Dolls are a bit lackluster).
  3. I think that Survivors shouldn't be compared to Bayou Gremlins. Survivors are 66% more expensive which means that it is a bit like comparing a Bayou Bushwhacker to McTavish. It's just not very useful. I agree with Dogmantra that their Aura seems like the big draw but it requires Masks - a suit highly usable for Gremlins. Even low cards can be very nice for Squeeling. Somer is naturally one possible answer but I feel like Somer would have a lot of difficulty finding a place for Survivors in his crew composition.
  4. Actually, it should be TN 24. Lightning Bugs ahoy!
  5. Hat Trick 7SS Wong, Limited This model gains the following Tactical Action: (2) Reach into the Hat (Ca 7 / TN: 17 / Rg: 6): Summon Brewmaster. Ooh, What Have We Here: Summon Mah Tucket instead.
  6. Good list! Insidious Madness renders were previewed in a Monday Preview and Hunters are out in the Hoffmann box. But yeah, thank you! I can't believe I forgot Taxidermist (also stuffed Piglets) and Rafkin...
  7. The Sow, Gators, McTavish, Old Cranky, Rooster Riders, Gupps, Spawn Mother, Warden, Malifaux Raptor, I think. I would be very surprised if I'm not missing someone.
  8. Many times these TTB Monday previews make me sad that there isn't (likely) going to be a mini of the art. The more I look at this fellow, the more I like him.
  9. If one or both of those are the reason, I really, really wish that they would say so! It's bizarre that you have to try and guess. If they want more people onto the chat, this seems like a really bad way to do it. The chat has a very different function. If they wanted more people there, they should hold Q&A sessions, reveal stuff there and such. If they wanted to tone down the OTT (and it did get a bit out of hand sometimes and reading it for modding purposes must have been a task) but these are reasonable adult people we're talking about. It would be respectful to tell them to tone it down. If it didn't work, then closing down the thread wouldn't seem petty and arbitrary as it now kinda seems but rather justified. And it wouldn't certainly leave such a sour taste in the mouths of people who didn't even participate in the thread.
  10. One from Crossroads, one from Shifting Loyalties. My pick from Crossroads would be the Sow. Really interested in how she will look. From Shifting Loyalties - well, there's a couple whose artwork didn't inspire (Forgotten Marshall, Winged Plague) and quite a few whose artwork really did (Mysterious Emissary, Hayreddin, to name just two). But I suppose I'll have to go with Anna Lovelace. I really hope the mini will be good as she looks like something that will become a staple in my Resser lists.
  11. My sincere apologies - I misunderstood what you meant. In my defense, I don't think that your analogy was very clear but there really was no reason not to give you the benefit of the doubt so I honestly apologize. That was uncalled for. But I also think that pre-emptively saying that people hoping for an explanation wouldn't accept an explanation were they given one kinda set things off on the wrong foot. I think that that was uncalled for as well. And I don't mean this to excuse my behaviour, mind.
  12. It's a nice pic (except for the feet - they are very weirdly lumpy).
  13. "The thread is closed because it has run its course" isn't an explanation of any sort. It's a non-explanation. It's like explaining why Malifaux is a good game by saying that it is. The thread had been there for years. And suddenly, completely out of the blue, "it has run its course". I'm honestly flabbergasted that someone could think that that is an explanation and wonder why people are still confused. And the analogy about the restaurant toilet is just very dishonest. I have seen all the usual suspects posting a lot outside of the OTT thread. Heck, if someone counted the threads of M2e era where Dirial and/or ZFiend has posted and compared that number to the threads where neither has posted, I wouldn't be surprised if there were more of the former than the latter.
  14. I believe that the point here is that he Channels once and gets the bonus to everything that happens during the Charge (so any targeting duels as well as for both attacks) at the cost of 2 Wounds
  15. Howabout this one: http://www.eden-the-game.com/martyr-man-art345.html
  16. If you put them into the middle of the enemy crew, they do get killed (or else are super annoying). And since they have a big base, you can Unbury Killjoy in such a way as to be able to Charge a lot of the time.
  17. To be fair, I don't think that was Justin's intention. I mean, clearly the he wasn't behind the decision so I can understand him being reluctant to tell us the reasoning (if he even knows - I don't think they've yet perfected the Wyrd hive mind. I hear it's a bit like having an old radio in your head that is almost tuned to a correct station. Often the show itself is a bit incomprehensible, though, featuring lots of swearing and "I wonder if this would work".) As a complete aside - where is your avatar pic from?
  18. Survivors are Hard to Kill rather than Hard to Wound. They are also squishy, need suits for things (they seem like very inefficient poisoners for Brewie) and all in all very lackluster when compared to the other 5SS options available to Gremlins. Sparks and Mech Pork seem awesome OTOH.
  19. I have always valued Wyrd in that they are very open to suggestions and reconsidering their choices. I don't mean that they will change their decision but I don't see it as impossible. But of course this highly depends on the 'why' - some reasons are more immutable than others. I would think that having a single thread instead of a smorgasbord of off-topic threads would be preferable to Wyrd but again it's hard to say since we don't know the reason for the closure.
  20. The only sad thing about using Avatars as proxies for Emissaries is that you still need to buy the Emissary if you want the cards for it. Which is a bit of a bummer.
  21. I have to agree that closing the off topic thread is a bad move. I posted there extremely rarely but I still think that it was a very important part of the forum. All in all I feel that there has been a change in moderation that seems to be stifling conversations and I don't understand the purpose. The general atmosphere of Wyrd forums is extremely positive - people are very friendly and flamey threads are extremely uncommon taking into account the size of the forum population. I have always really admired the fact that people are allowed to voice their concerns (not only that, but Wyrd are both responsive and often act directly addressing things raised in feedback) and also to freely talk about other manufacturers' models and games and such. I think it shows how confident and proud Wyrd are of their product and I think that it is a wise decision. Wyrd really is one of the top dogs quality-wise and they aren't afraid of competition. But it seems that lately (last year or so) the moderation has taken a turn for the harsher even though there seems to be no catalyst for such in the behaviour of the forumites. In fact, And not only harsher but somehow trying to stifle down the fun and games and try to encourage a more serious tone and posting style. Maybe I'm just being a chicken little but this is how it comes across.
  22. Old Confrontation Fire Elemental would make a pretty damn spot on A&D.
  23. I know you said you were looking for general strategies but here's a specific nugget anyway: Gremlins like to cluster around Lenny - swapping Lenny for Fears Given Form Bad Juju (or Candy) with Lilith is hilarious. For you - not so much for the Gremlins. As for general strategies, terrain is key to controlling Dumb Luck and limiting Squel options. Angle your Charges correctly! If the target doesn't have room to Push away from your Ml range, Squeel won't help them. You can even use your other models to set up these "traps".
  24. I like them well enough but I do think that they look like 6-7SS fighter Minions as opposed to 4SS Scheme Runners.
  25. Not bad at all. It's a tough concept to make into a mini and this isn't a bad attempt at it. Ashen Core is a bit silly in that eighties metal album cover style (destroying the form leaves that behind??) but all in all everything about this model is rather cheesy so I suppose it fits. So basically the execution is good even if the concept is a bit silly. Also Valhallan's suggestion is very perfect for this particular model.
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