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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. But you can count cards, which is painfully easy in the case of jokers (actually, since they're so important, it's kinda hard not to) so you can make informed decisions that can affect the chances in really big ways. Since the swing from weak damage to Red Joker damage is so huge, the impact can be game ruining. I've yet to see a Black Joker do something similar (well, other than in the case of Jack Daw).
  2. Just to clarify my view, I like the red joker. I just don't like getting it on flips. Especially through cheating duels down (or through hard to wound effects and such). I mean, if you haven't seen the red joker yet, and have, say, only 12 cards left in the deck, cheating down from to :-fate changes your chances of getting the red joker from 16% to a whopping 25% with rather minimal changes to the expected non-Red Joker damage.
  3. How did you get it printed? In my PDF the printing has been disabled. Could you maybe print a flattened PDF version as that would basically solve all my problems with it? There were quite a number of changes in the Rules manual, though. I at least read it from start to finish. I promoed it as a resource for new players who, when they tried using it, got quite disappointed, so that's where I'm coming from. Personally I own the Rules Manual and think it's a good product. It's just that from a newbie's perspective the PDF could've been really nice.
  4. It works fine for me, too, in theory. But did you do anything with it? I mean, can you use it as a reference during a game (the great thing about PDFs is that they are searchable and nicely portable given the right devices)? Or did you read the whole thing through to learn the rules? Because currently both of those prospects seem like they're not working for me (the first because the PDF is too heavy for my portable devices and the second because it's so slow to go from page to page on my desktop comp).
  5. To each their own, but I hate it when I win through a random red joker on a highly negative flip. Feels a bit like the joker robbing me of the game - "it would've been a great, even game, but that random :-fate:-fate Red Joker killing your master kinda ruined it." Definitely my least favourite rule in the game.
  6. I'm rather disappointed that no one posted anything positive in defense of the pdf. I mean, I was hoping that I was just doing something wrong and it was working as intended, but I'm kinda forced to conclude that no one is actually using the pdf for anything.
  7. Judging from the previous replies, I'm not sure anyone here appreciates this (a bit further afield, so to speak), but I've always thought that Earth's album Hex; Or Printing in the Infernal Method is the perfect Malifaux soundtrack. Desolate, slightly alien, instrumental, very western: [ame] [/ame] [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zD-J8O2fLf4[/ame] Another good one is Sephiroth's Draconian Poetry album. Again instrumental. It has powerful ambience, very foreboding, but also features some faster tracks: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPk5IQbuOSk[/ame]
  8. So.... did you get it to work in a satisfactory way?
  9. Try it as a scenario condition in a tournament. "The stars of Malifaux have aligned, the cauldron of Zoraida bubbles in colors never before seen, the rich lock up their doors while the paupers strut the streets - this is The Underdog's Day." Seriously, I've always liked really weird scenarios that mess up things in strange new ways. This one is extremely simple but with far reaching ramifications.
  10. Could be but I've been promoing the game to my friends as having a free rulebook available online and it's not looking all that good when, though technically true, the rulebook is completely useless. Compare and contrast to, say, Infinity or Alkemy which really do have the rulebooks available in a usable format (Alkemy's is downright brilliant, but that's a high bar I don't honestly expect other companies to follow). I do own the rules manual, but promoing this game is kinda awkward at the moment. "You need to buy these two books to know the fluff and then you need this small book to know the rules as the rules in the previous books are outdated. Oh, and they contain stats and such, but they're not reliable. For those you need the cards but the cards you get in blisters might not be the right ones so if that happens you need to order new cards from over seas. It's a really fun game, though." I'm not critiquing Wyrd here of all those things here, mind. Things happen and on the whole I think that they've done a good job fixing stuff and I don't know how one could've done the fixing better. It's just that the Rules Manual pdf is kinda negative ATM as it's like a tease in that it's there but unusable. I mean, yeah, it's possible to read it on a powerful desktop computer, but at least when I read the rules, I flip back and forth quite a bit and it's such a paint in the behind with this ultra heavy pdf even on my powerful desktop that I really wouldn't want to learn the rules that way. And yeah, I was hoping to print it into a smaller, flattened pdf, though an ink copy would've been nice for promoing purposes to be able to show the free rulebook they offer.
  11. My Adobe Reader says that the PDF is password protected and can't be printed. Chrome can't print it either. Since the file is so insanely huge, none of my portable devices can utilize it efficiently (meaning that changing a page takes a loooong time). These things combined make the PDF completely useless to me. Am I alone in this? Has someone gotten it to work?
  12. Your choice of font colour makes my eyes bleed! Other than that, I really like the piece. The rocking chair is a stroke of genius!
  13. I might be mistaken, but I thought that if you make someone a companion, he has to activate right after the model that made him compaion. So if you're activating Ophelia and Francois, Ophelia gives ram to CB and companions the Slop Hauler, then the Sloppie goes next and can't heal Francois after the shooting spree.
  14. Definitely something from Smart Max. Since Doctor Zeels has already been mentioned, I'll got with Lord Holmes, the Royal Assassin, from the Club.
  15. OK, can someone tell me how that is a good idea? I thought that double-sixes autokilling in Confrontation was bad but this can be even worse in some cases (not to mention that it rewards hitting badly).
  16. What's this I heard of the new rules allowing taking Red Joker even when doing a negative flip? Sounds horrible (imagine Gremlins flipping on negative and getting more likely to get the devastating Red Joker damage the more negative the flip gets)... Random crazy damage for no reason that I can see.
  17. I thought that Playboy had quite a bit of other things besides breasts in it (though I haven't ever read the mag so could be wrong). Seriously, there is a difference in depiction between naked breasts on a Daemonette compared to, say, ones on Pegaso pin-up range just like there is a difference between how male form is depicted in Michelangelo's David as compared to Playgirl. Are you seriously saying that Botticelli's Venus is seen as 18+ material in the States? Now, of course you (generic 'you') could attack the analogy based on how Daemonettes aren't Michelangelo or Botticelli quality art but that is not the point of the analogy and I really hope that you don't. The point of the analogy is that there are different kinds of nudity and warhammer minis tend to fall in the non-porn part of the categorization. I certainly wouldn't mind if my children saw Daemonette minis. I'm 100% certain that they wouldn't be adversely affected by it.
  18. How on earth are you able to tell something like that?? You have some kind of control group free of the influence of the society where men still are predisposed to competition? I believe you should publish your findings - there's huge grants just waiting for the taking Do you honestly consider the Diaz Daemonettes 18+ models? Wet Nurse and things like that sure, but simple bare breasts? Wow. Alkemy. OK, some Khalimans could be seen as somewhat revealing but the men and women there dress basically the same, so I don't think it counts. The female Avalonians and Jade Triad members are all dressed practically. From a fluff point of view Alkemy is extremely equal when it comes to gender as well. Another example would be Hell Dorado. Other than Succubus (where revealing really comes with the territory) and the stupid nun assassin the women there are dressed practically. Check out Helle Möller or The Traveler. They are not cheesecake but still obviously women, obviously beautiful, and obviously powerful and in control. Alkemy beats Malifaux on that front pretty handsomely. That said, I on the whole like the Malifaux design aesthetic of strong women and don't mind the occasional cheesecake (nothing wrong with occasional cheesecake IMO, when it's done suitably tastefully as Wyrd has mostly done).
  19. Brilliant work! Choosing Outcasts and then Ophelia leaves her with Levi's roster to choose from. Picking Som'er and then Ophelia works, though. Then, choosing Francois first drops Raphael off the choice list but leaves Francois. Choosing Raphael first works but leaves Raphael in the choice box. Choosing Francois then drops Francois correctly leaving Raphael still as a choice.
  20. Aye, Worm Pile is a lot of fun. It comes in over twenty pieces IIRC - most of them being individual worms that you can stick into the tiny holes that he's riddles with. A great game, too, btw. Suitably different from Malifaux for them to prosper side by side IMO.
  21. Well, you can, but that would be a bit confusing I would think that a second edition of the first book might be the most logical way of going about things.
  22. Oh, you guys meant that. I would be very, very surprised if it killed her, to be honest.
  23. Can they do that (being Insignificant)? Don't have the book handy, so I might very well be mistaken, mind.
  24. Speaking of which - what's this about Lady J being dead?
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