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Everything posted by TheBugKing

  1. Excellent Pat. I'm glad you are finally building Malifaux terrain! I think some of your weathering technique with the shacks would be great. Also, there are frequently old relics from the previous (well current but now in a different form) inhabitants of Malifaux. So stone ruins are good. Also crazy archaic structures would possibly be buried half way into the swamp. Good stuff man! (P.S. It's great to have another Terrainthrall haunting these parts! )
  2. And the Otah decides to grace Wyrd! Great to have you here chief! Nicely done on the swamp board too!

  3. LOL! If you had ANY idea how much I worked today you would understand. It gets the idea across though.
  4. Patience is a virtue and both of these dangerous characters don't have it!
  5. Because they aren't constructs.
  6. Being Invisible won't save you you know. It was better when you didn't exist.

  7. The rock work looks great. However the pier looks brand new (Though of shoddy construction) The wood could really use some weathering. Perhaps just scrubbing it with a wire brush to bring out the wood grain would get the job done.
  8. From experience, your second option posted will gve you good results for the curved track sections. Heating the "T" beam sections and bending them doesn't work at all well. To be honest, it's actually really ewasy to glue one end down and just work section by section. I would strongly suggest using cyanoacrylate glue. Unless you want the glueing process to take a week or so.
  9. I've got a BlackBerry Storm 1 and am really happy with it. The only gripe I've for (for BlackBerrys in general) is that they don't have integrated memory. If you run a lot of 3rd party apps it bogs really badly. Keep them mostly work based and its aces though
  10. This has been talked about quite a bit on the boards. What I do is just use those little marker tabs to highlight areas of the rule book that you need to look up frequently. (The scenarios section and the common abilities section) Of course at this point I have the vast majority of the rulebook memorized but that just comes with time I suppose.
  11. Believe it or not, I use eggshells to great effect. You do have to clean them very well but they make GREAT shale like rock formations. Just saying...
  12. No new factions in the works at the moment. However Eric's brain is a scary place. There could be something that lurks in there somewhere.
  13. Actually yes seriously. There is so much going on in development that there is no time left to game. That is good news for you lot though.
  14. I've got some sketched out ideas for a scratchbuilt Leviathan. Rules? Hmmmmm.
  15. Scavengers are the only models capable of holding scrap counters as they move over them. So you don't use the (all) Scavenge. Ever carried a counter with Leveticus? If so you would realize it's utility. I personally doubt that I would use the (all) Scavenge ability with Leveticus. Or Ramos for that matter as he has Salvage Under Fire. It is there though as an option if it is absolutely needed. (Keep in mind that Leveticus can take any construct...)
  16. I actually think Ramos is Pandora's second worst matchup (behind Perdita) Ramos has access to the most indirect damage in the game. His pieces can be very mobile and he has access to an insane amount of action sinks. I frequently try to build up my spider count early on while hanging back a bit. I also use this time to try to sculpt my hand a bit with surge (Do NOT underestimate the usefulness of surge!) By turn three the Pandora player is usually about ready to pounce so I shift gears and do much what Omadon said. Two spiders detonating will clear out all the Sorrows linked to Pandora. Then you can Electrical Fire her into oblivion if you have the Soulstones to win the WP check. The great thing here is that you are starting with a base stat of 8 to her 2. She needs to spend a stone usually to even hope to defend against the spell. Also, you will likely get a surge trigger off and can often filter into another high card for the next salvo. Be ready to finish off with a spider or two if necessary. The issue is playing Ramos right. He plays several different ways and often you need to play all of those ways in each game depending on the situation.
  17. The most amusing thing about this thread necro is the fact that Nathan is probably about 5 years away from having the time necessary to see if he still has brushes. Let alone find a figure to paint or the paints necessary to do it! Get involved in making an game and you will never game again. What gives?
  18. I don't think I've chimed in here on this topic yet. Malifaux has killed my gaming in general. I rarely get any gaming in at all any more. Maybe once every two months now. Stupid game.
  19. Lies! All Lies! (Not that there will be a bunch of new stuff but that exciting part is all bunk. We don't do fun around here!)
  20. When is Megacon? I'm in China working right now. I'd love to make it of course since it is right there. I'll get in contact with Rhubarb Games and see if there is anything that we can do with them as well. TBK

  21. You got it Csonti. That is the correct order.
  22. If you want to take the Cyborg idea further you can play with Ramos and Leveticus in a Brawl. Then you can have all Constructs and Souless models. Nothing like Steampunk Abominations and Steampunk Spiders to ruin your opponent's day!
  23. Hey Nathan, How about your OLD forum handle? How did you come by that?
  24. Yes. ***** has disapeared because it was referenced in a nonexistant person's sig. Becareful or you too may disappear.
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