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Everything posted by TheBugKing

  1. There is a tutorial already out there. http://www.terrainthralls.com/Tutorials%20folder/Bug%27s%20Tree/Bug%27s%20Tree.html Fun! Although, JMP's suggestion of using paper mache over sculpy may be the way to go. I'm not certain. Be sure to twist several wires together for the armature though. I made another tree and decided that I could cheat the armature. The tree has broken several times.
  2. Well. It is built. So it's a building I suppose. But it's not your typical building either. Metaphor? There are no dropping buildings falling from the sky in Malifaux. Other things drop though...
  3. Wait... Whats all this about a building? I thought it was something else...?
  4. When Eric gets them done. So I would imagine after Gencon some time. All that busy prep garbage going on and all.
  5. I believe Sketch ruled that you draw the extra two after the discard step. Do a search for Leveticus. It's in there somewhere.
  6. Oddly I think that Sun Tsu and other tacticians to indeed apply in a lot of ways to wargaming. Note that I say wargaming and not wargames. Obviously you can't be wargaming with out a wargame but when you add in the human element and what you can do to your opponent through careful observation as to what their strategy is and what they hold dear you can apply the lessons of Sun Tsu in all sorts of situations. It's amusing to me that you are literally applying the lessons of Sun Tsu to this situation. Where as I think that while they apply to warfare they apply to life more. Part of the basic framework of this game is an attempt to build a situation where the better tactician will win. That is a huge portion of the mitigation of the luck issue with the card mechanic. It is also why there is a certain level of terrain suggested. I personally have not had an issue at all with a 2-1 situation. However with out actually looking at your play style, attitude and the situation they are placed in there is little I can do to help you get better. You may well be setting yourself up for a more difficult row to hoe with an elite force over a horde but given many of the elite options that this game has there are a great many ways to off multiple models at once. Now, if you are set on only a specific few models and those alone then you are clearly ignoring Sun Tsu completely. Case in point: would you bring cavalry to root out skirmishers in the woods? No. You would bring archers with fire arrows or siege engines to remove the advantage of those woods. So, look at your model choices. Look for things that can move quickly and hit multiple models at once. Bring models that have blast templates. Hide from avenues of fire. Don't present easy targets. Be sure to string your opponent out so that he has difficult choices and so that the swarm is spread thin. Use Terror to your advantage. The list goes on. @ Lucid: You are fired. Tacticians don't apply to tactical wargames? What?
  7. AND! Is is AWESOME!!! (Did you get it done?)
  8. Naaa. Hamelin totally went in another direction. He doesn't come with free candy. He forces you to eat his candy. And in doing so makes more candy!
  9. It's safe to say that the Henchmen are unique and flavorful. But then I have a biased opinion. They certainly add a lot of neat options to consider when building crews. They sort of increase the crew building options by an order of magnitude I guess.
  10. [ame] [/ame] Love this. I can so Seamus having this go through his head!
  11. Yeah, I know. It's just aggravating is all. As for LCB with the dreamer on his shoulder, I know what you mean. It really is awesome I think. So nicely reflects the model too. I'll be getting one for sure. (I think I said that already though...)
  12. Actually, Eric's paint job is not going to be the official paint job. As such he was free to do what ever he wanted with it. This is just an excuse for Eric to actually paint again. Which is something he rarely gets to do. Also consider this: None of the pictures are high quality posed and angled pictures. As such they don't reflect the same pose as the concept art. The green closely resembled the pose. However, the angle of the shots of the green matched the angle of the concept art. So I imagine your problems with the piece stem from a lack in Eric's posing with the WIP photos as opposed to an actual problem with the piece.
  13. Or the equivalent there of. Alternate Earth and all that you know...
  14. There are other ways to give a model "power" in this game you know...
  15. I could tell you. But then Hammelin might get me. That I find very frightening indeed.
  16. Eric! Do something about the base! Not up to your usual standards at all. You are better then that.
  17. Levi's spell kills the model. Bette looks for a model that is killed. As such, both the replacement occurs and Bette is placed. The order of placement is active player them inactive player. So if the Levi player was active he/she would summon a Steampunk Abomination or Hollow Waif. Then you would place Bette Noir. Then the killed (or sacrificed) model would be removed.
  18. MMMM Beatings! (oh wait...) I'll be there as well. doing some mysterious things about the booth I hear. I'll also be attending Jess's painting clinics. Super stoked about those. And I better get some PIE! Or horrid things will be done to the timing of the game. I swear it will!
  19. I'll give you a hint! (They are nightmares! Shhhhh!)
  20. EVERYTHING goes over big with you nerd. That's why you were banned!
  21. What... Are you REALLY greedy? :tongue1:
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