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Everything posted by Hinton

  1. Hinton

    Hello All

    Hi there! Welcome to the boards.
  2. Well, that's good to hear, Duende. Hopefully your new one will be in better shape.
  3. Ok, for those that didn't know or don't remember Tom Meier sculpted this (you can see the original thread here) and put it up for auction, along with the production rights. Ginfritter won and said that they'd start shipping in April. Mine arrived yesterday and well.... Ok, first of all, I love this sculpture. It's a great little idea and Tom did an excellent job with it. It is about 60mm and it's cast in plastic. It's supposed to come in 4 pieces (according to Ginfritter's website) - mine came in five. The hamster is supposed to be attached to the piece he's sitting next to. Ok, so maybe the mail wasn't as easy with it as it should have been. I'm not overly happy with the casting of this. If you get it, be ready to do a lot of prep work. The flash and mold lines are horrible on this, at least for me. On top of that, there are places where it looks like the cast just went wrong. I hope you can see that. And these little spots are all over it: arms, legs, gun, skirt; you get the idea. A lot of sanding is going to be involved to get this ready. Still, I really like the idea of the mini, so I'm willing to invest the time to prep it. If anyone has gotten theirs, I'd really like to know how yours turned out. Maybe mine is just a fluke.
  4. 2 - 3 weeks, depending on what I have going on, how detailed the mini is, etc. Since I have a messed up back I can't sit and paint for too long, so I take frequent breaks.
  5. Welcome to the forums! Took a quick look at some of your stuff and it's good. My only "nitpick" would be that some of them need a backdrop of some kind (such as the Echahim).
  6. Welcome to the boards!
  7. I remember being involved in that a few years back. It was kind of fun and a great way to do something contructive when I wasn't on the computer.
  8. Ok, so some searches for this song over at YouTube turn up some...interesting....results. Here's the group that's singing it in the little anime version that FF posted: And here's one set to Final Fantasy: Final Fantasy Ievan Polkka And if you want the lyrics (with English translation) to the whole song: Ievan Polkka(scroll to the bottom)
  9. I'll be going to see it since I love these kinds of movies. Sometimes you want a plot with lots of character development and a great storyline that makes you think; sometimes you just want to turn the ol' brain off. I'm a big Kurt Russell fan, love Tarantino's work and Rodriguez has done some pretty good work (didn't care for the Spy Kids stuff, though).
  10. I knew it was Lord Coldsteal's birthday today, but I didn't realize how many members here were also celebrating it. So, to LCS, Gonzoangel, Gin, and Sp0n: Happy Birthday!! :fest06: :fest06: :fest06: :fest06:
  11. Thanks for the comments, all.
  12. Picked this up from Fozzbozz since Duende is always trying to convince me to buy from different manufacturers. I've always struggled with getting the highlights high enough or the shadows deep enough (or both) and, like most new painters, getting smooth transitions in between them. So I painted this one up as practice to take my highlights up higher than I have before and try to get nice, smooth transitions to deep shadows. Problem is, I think I need a better lighting set-up or something (all I have is a small desk lamp with a 100W bulb) since the pictures aren't really showing that the highlights are almost pure white. Anyway, I'd really like to know what you all think, especially in regards to the areas that I worked on. How can I make it better?
  13. Happy Birthday you three! Seems we're having a rush on birthdays here lately; hopefully there's enough cake to go around.
  14. All I can see is The Mangler - I believe that's the one that had Robert Englund (Freddy of Nightmare On Elm Street fame) in it - and perhaps Kill Bill at the very top, but the rest are too far away for me to tell for sure.
  15. The cloak looks really good. Very smooth transitions. Very nice work overall.
  16. Welcome to the boards, chonk. Yeah, this place is pretty cool. Lots of friendly people and a pretty good place to get pointers, advice, etc. Hope you enjoy it.
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