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Everything posted by chaosobscuros

  1. The sheer amount of points that you are putting into the two of them means that there is not going to be a lot left in your crew. In your example, Bette, Killjoy, and the Belle have already filled in 25 points. in a 35SS list, you have room for maybe two more Belles. Its a huge point sink, but it can be fun to try out once or twice. The look on your opponent's face when they both come out in priceless! Try taking a Necropunk instead of the Belle though. If you use its Slow to Die to sacrifice for the Bette/Killjoy combo, you can bring them both out at the end of your opponent's activation, then have Killjoy (or Bete) wreak havoc immediately afterward. Bete's One With the Night notwithstanding, they will both probably die quickly after they appear, so do something fun with them.
  2. I have always felt that Samael is almost an auto-include for the Guild. His damage output IS very intimidating. However, his low Df (even with his high Wounds) makes him an easy target. The key to defeating Samael is in utilizing your terrain and movement to deny him a target until you can engage him with your heavy hitters. A favorite McMourning tactic of mine is to use a Belle or two to Lure him into melee range of McMourning, a Flesh Construct or a Punk Zombie; all of which will make short work of him.
  3. Welcome to the forums! I was about to ask what martial art you studied when I caught myself
  4. I think that the list as you have it, is pretty solid. I also prefer the Grave Spirit to the Vulture in smaller games. If you are playing a Bolster list, Nico needs to activate first, and any extra defense that you can add to him goes a long way. Don't ignore the advice on Crooked Men or Flesh Constructs. Playing with Sebastian, you should be able to generate a few corpse tokens. Combined with your and your opponent's deaths, the battlefield should get pretty littered with tokens mid to late game. The Flesh Construct is a great investment for Reanimator. I love the Crooked Men, but for 1 ss more, you can take a Punk Zombie. Punk Zombies are so over the top awesome when combined with Bolster that it seems almost unfair to take them in a Nicodem list. They do, however, make great subjects for Sebastian's summoning. Unless your terrain and/or Strategy calls for mobility, Nico's list works best as a somewhat slow, bolstered advance, with Nico raising Punk Zombies and the occasional Flesh Construct while Sebastian exhumes and supplies Canine Remains, Necropunks and/or Crooked Men.
  5. Killjoy is a lot of fun in a Nico list. However, I would look at taking a Necropunk and the Grave Spirit in the place of the Vulture and one of the Canine Remains. The Necropunk's Slow to Die action will give you the opportunity to summon Killjoy at the end of your opponent's activation. Also, the Grave Spirit can link to Nico, and Give him Armor 2, helping his survivability a great deal.
  6. They are not waterproof, but still pretty awesome. If you have an overabundance of 40 and/or 50mm bases, you might want to invest in some extra pluck foam.
  7. Hey everyone, We will be hosting a Malifaux demo at Sci- Fi City, located at Knoxville Center Mall. We will be starting at 5pm and going on until 9pm. Either bring your own crew, or we can provide you pretty much anything that you are looking for. Terrain and tables will be provided by the guys at Sci-Fi. This is open to any number of people, and any skill level. For directions on how to get to the shop, send me a message, give them a call at (865) 523-4700. Hope to see you there!
  8. If you let her run your crew, I'm afraid that she can only hire Gremlin (and the "Kin" that are in Book 2) models. She comes with 6ss, so you don't want to leave too much of a gap. At 2ss per model, you would need 4 Bayou Gremlins for a 30ss crew, and 6 for a 35ss crew. On the flip side, if you took her a a Henchman for Som'er, she would cost you 8ss, and that would take her boxed set to 30ss.
  9. Hey everyone, We will be hosting a Malifaux demo at Sci- Fi City, located at Knoxville Center Mall. We will be starting at 5pm and going on until 9pm. Either bring your own crew, or we can provide you pretty much anything that you are looking for. Terrain and tables will be provided by the guys at Sci-Fi. This is open to any number of people, and any skill level. For directions on how to get to the shop, send me a message, give them a call at (865) 523-4700. Hope to see you there!
  10. If you would like to keep Killjoy (and nothing wrong with that), for 35ss, I would recommend something like: Nicodem Grave Spirit Mortimer Necropunk Killjoy Punk Zombie 2 Canine Remains 4 Extra SSs With the errata on Exhume, Mortimer should really be generating a corpse token a turn. In a pinch, you could always butcher a Canine Remain, and raise it as a Punk Zombie (a net saving of 3 Soulstones for the cost of the spell). You said that you weren't really looking for battle strategies, but I'm going to throw a couple of quick ones out based on the above list. First, link the Grave Spirit to Nicodem to give him the benefit of the armor; it really helps his survivability. Second, take the Necropunk over one of the Punk Zombies when you run with a Killjoy list. The Necro has great mobility, and when your opponent takes him out, you can use his Slow to Die to bring out Killjoy.
  11. Atlanta, Labor Day weekend each year. I wish that I could make it, but its not in the cards this year.
  12. Correct me if I am wrong, but Perdita's Bullet Bending now only ignores cover, it does not allow her to shoot without LOS.
  13. Hey everyone, We will be hosting a Malifaux demo at Sci- Fi City, located at Knoxville Center Mall. We will be starting at 5pm and going on until 9pm. Either bring your own crew, or we can provide you pretty much anything that you are looking for. Terrain and tables will be provided by the guys at Sci-Fi. This is open to any number of people, and any skill level. For directions on how to get to the shop, send me a message, give them a call at (865) 523-4700. Hope to see you there!
  14. Sounds like a great time! Congrats.
  15. There's a good video on Youtube of Eric running a Malifaux demo if you are looking for ideas on how to run one. [ame] [/ame] Also, when running the demo, explain the background, and a little of the crews. Then get a feel for the people, and let them tell you what interests them most. It might be combat, shooting, magic, or whatever. Just get a feel and go from there. But most of all, have fun!
  16. The rules are always getting in the way of my best ideas... :club:
  17. You can also cast Obey on opponent's Nurse, cast Massive Dose (Reactivate) on Nino, take two activations, then shrug off Massive Dose with a 0 action.
  18. Sure. You can shrug off Slow, Poison, Insignificant, Excessive Bleeding- pretty much any permanent or semi-permanent effect on your model that's not written on the card.
  19. Models are looking really nice! I'm horrible at shading white myself, but there is a good article on it here: http://blog.brushthralls.com/?page_id=1967
  20. not a whole lot of people in your area on the Find a Gae/opponent thread, but here it is: http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=6986&page=26 Good luck, and welcome to the forums.
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