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Everything posted by kmdl1066

  1. I worked in Frankfurt am Main a fair bit over a 6 month stretch a few years ago and it always cracked me up that the most common beer the guys from work would order was Fosters. A beer no Australian I've ever met will admit to drinking.
  2. Very menacing! Excellent job. The three shades of black worked very well.
  3. I agree with underdog. The ninja may be the focal point, but it was the bride's dress which immediatly caught my eye. Very nice as always. Wait, who'm I kidding? It's way better than "very nice."
  4. Absolutely fantastic advice given by everyone above. But if I can offer a small piece of advice, the number 1 thing you can do to make your painting look better is to finish the base. It is incredible how much better it makes the same paintjob look.
  5. Thanks for the step-by-step on the jet pack smoke. Very instructive.
  6. Looked around my older photos and I don't have pictures of any 15mm stuff I painted. Instead, here is a gratuitious shot of some 28mm vikings I painted.
  7. Ronin number two up next. Still no bases but I'm going with Evilbleachman's suggestion and I've ordered some Secret Miniatures Town Square bases.
  8. Fantastic as always. And yet, there is always this tiny little bit of disappointment that I can't suppress wheneve it is not a zombie cake topper.
  9. The eyes are nothing compared to the total weirdness that is the left hand. I have no idea what the sculptor was going for on this model but it has looked weird on every single one I've seen. But the skin is looking good so far. (I suck at painting flesh! )
  10. I like the 15mm stuff. Makes me nostalgic for the years I spent playing DBM. Those are painted very well for 15mm. Nicely done.
  11. *doffs hat in apology to Viruk* I've not seen the movie and only knew of Thurman's character as "the bride." @nighthater. I have experience with using only the most basic techniques to produce something that still looks nice. The only thing on this model that is not paint-wash-repaint highlights is the yellow. And that barely got any more work than that. Which is why I call it "table top." The painting style is geared towards painting as quickly as possible while looking good from playing distance.
  12. Thanks for the kind words, but as no-one said "Kill Bill" I guess it's a dismal failure. :-P @linus yeah the sword is absolutely terrible. The casting is pitted and blobby. When I've got a painted crew I'll come back and look at replacing it.
  13. (Unrealated: I created a Wyrd account in 2006? Really? Why? With an email account that I haven't used for years had had another email account that I haven't used for years as backup. That password recovery chain was fun.) The quality of minatures shown on this forum is incredible. Makes it pretty intimidating to post anything. However, I would like to show that a guy with not much time for painting, very basic skills, and almost no natural talent can still produce stuff that looks nice on the table top. Because I have this thing about playing it painted. So here goes, my first Mallifaux figure. Not based yet because I don't have a good idea which direction I want to go with the basng:
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