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Everything posted by Thryth

  1. Hi All, After working on my entry for IP3/R2, I was wondering just how slow of a painter I really am. If anyone would like to share, how long does it take you to paint a ~32mm single miniature of contest quality? I haven't been keeping track, but I would estimate that it took me somewhere around a total of 20 hours for my entry (I should be posting it sometime soon now). - Thanks
  2. Welcome. I miss the old school Squats too.
  3. Yea! Duende's staying! :dancing2: :bounce: :dance: :thcow2: :clap:
  4. This is just a joke, right? :eek: :afraid::sad2: :puppy::puppy::puppy::puppy::puppy: :bawling::bawling::bawling:
  5. I like parts of the line. I'm not as opposed these, as other people seem to be. That being said, I also do not own any of their miniatures.
  6. Big improvement (not that it wasn't nice before! ). Very funny.
  7. I started painting miniatures in the 80's, but dropped-out of it for the later half of the 90's and (aside from a few in 2002) only picked-it up again in 2006. Along the way I believe that I have misplaced some. 67 is a best guess. Only the stuff that I have done in the past year (12) are anywhere near decent looking, however. At least I think so.
  8. I commented on all of these in the gallery, but I liked them so much, I might as well keep commenting. All really well done entries. So many too. I only entered two, and one of them I stated for last year's FF. Misaki and the Jade Dragon The title of my SF entry was lost too. I liked the idea behind this, and got what was going on (I did read the description before looking at the diorama though. Masquerade Amazon Another good idea. The miniature was not very dynamic, and you made a setting for it which allowed her stance to make sense and look good. Assassin Dryad May be rushed, but still better than what I feel I can do. I really like the hair. My only question is, is she supposed to have tan lines? D&D Chainmail's Wood Elf Ranger Bold idea with the blood. I am usually not a fan, but think that it was well done and adds to the miniature. The paint is keeping that in place?
  9. Replies! Thank You! Oops! Thanks for pointing that out. I have now corrected the URL. Thanks again for your comments and advice. @Duende: I appreciate the advice, I will have to try to get a darker background when using OSL. @callumrice: Maybe she just finished lunch?
  10. Hello, I wanted to try replying to (at least some of the) comments on my entries this time around. I made two entries for this contest. One that I did not expect much from and one I expected more from. It would seem that I had my expectations backward. Thank you to everyone who commented. ----------------------- Scandalous Entry 05 (http://wyrd-games.net/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=1365) [edited to correct the URL] When I saw this miniature (for all of $0.99US!), I thought that it would be perfect for "Femme Fatale I". I knew it was a very poor sculpt, but for <$1US... I did the skin, metal parts, and stone base for "Femme Fatale I," but that was as far as I got. I painted over the metal, painted the gems, added the shield to the base, and painted the cloak for "Femme Fatale II." I think that my painting has improved in the past year. As an aside, I did not expect people to like this miniature much. Turns-out people seem to have liked this one more than my other entry, which I spent quite a bit of time on. BTW, I don't think it is a mask. The miniature is named "LICH FEMALE with mace (HOT & COLD)" on the Discount Hobbies site, so I assume that it is a skull. @Coneman: Thank you for the comments and suggestion @Bobcat: Correct on all counts, and thank you for the complement. @Maestro, @sniffles, @callumrice, @Coil, @chonk34, @Jabberwocky, @pete-h, @cdukino, @Tyron, @supervike, @Wren, @Art-de-Vivre, @lauth81, @cheddarmonger, @Hinton: Thank you. @gi6ers: Thank you. It is a Mega Miniatures piece. As Bobcat pointed-out, it can be purchased at http://discounthobby.com, although other stores carry them. @Ana: Thank you for the completment. If they want to pay me, I will be happy to help them . I think that it is a parody miniature, I think it is supposed to be an exaggeration. @Duende: Thank you for the complements. For $0.99US, you can't expect much from the sculpt, I suppose. @Bobcat: I believe that it is an old Josef Ochmann sculpt (I believe that the base said "J.OCHMANN"). @mahon: Thank you, I tried . I agree, I was a little disappointed in the sharpness of my freehand. I do not think that I have a steady enough hand. Maybe someone can offer some advice? @orkydave: Thanks. I was not completely satisfied with the skull, either. Trivia Question: Can anyone tell which videogame the symbols from her cloak came from? (hint, it is an old game) ----------------------- Sci-Fi Entry 14 (http://wyrd-games.net/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=1364) Thank you to everyone who commented. I have quite a collection of miniatures from the mid/late 80's, and although most of them are boring by today's standards, I am finding it fun to try to paint them now. This is obviously one of those miniatures. My previous attempt at OSL was for the "Something Wyrd" contest, and many people thought that the OSL was too subtle. I wanted to try again, so I chose this miniature. I asked for advice on painting OSL in the Wyrd forums, and tried to apply it. I initially painted the light on the miniature as greyscale, but couldn't leave well-enough alone, I really felt that the light from the coals would be yellow/orange/red, so... I messed-up the work that I had done. I tried glazing with inks, but didn't like it, tried removing the ink, and added more glazes with paints, which really damaged the initial work that I had done highlighting in greys. Well, that is part of learning. @Bobcat, @gi6ers, @Maestro, @sniffles, @callumrice, @mahon, @Coil, @orkydave, @DESERTDRAGON1964, @chonk34, @Jabberwocky, @pete-h, @Hinton: Thank you. @Ana, @Inarah: Thank you for the comments. Since I didn't envision any lighting from behind, I didn't know what to do. Hopefully I will get better. @Wren, @cdukino, @LavronYor: Thank you for the comments and advice. @Duende: Thank you. The eyebrows were scultped on, I painted over what was there. I suppose that I should have removed them in the cleaning-up phase, or at least tried to have mitigated their huge appearance when painting her. Thank you for the advice. @lauth81: Thanks for the advice. Request: Again, if anyone knows the name/model number of this miniature, I would appreciate it if you would let me know. Thanks!
  11. ...if I had more time. ...if I could see a good painter paint a miniature.
  12. Congratulations on another win (and so modest, too)! I think we are looking at the old "irresistible force versus immovable object" paradox in IP3. I'm thinking of starting a petition to stop you and EricJ from competing against each other in IP3 before the world is destroyed by my previously predicted singularity!
  13. Excellent, as always. :You_Rock_ I have real sympathy for your opponents in IP3!.
  14. Back in the late 80's/early 90's I used miniatures while playing AD&D and a 'mech game. I painted them with a very low quality by today's standards. I really just wanted to have miniatures for gaming, and was not very concerned about high-quality. I had other things to do and dropped both hobbies. Aside from four miniatures that I painted in 2002, I didn't paint miniatures again until 2006. Luckily I found some bases at the Wyrd shop that looked good, and when I purchased them Nathan mentioned some contest that Wyrd was having, and I have been painted (mostly to enter the Wyrd contests) since. I no longer game, painting is an end in-and-of itself (in what little time I can manage to get to do so). Glad that you asked now, aren't you?
  15. Might a single jaw be better than the two mandibles?
  16. Just have to pick up one of the Wyrd weapon spruces for the Dark Age miniature.
  17. Awaken sleeping thread! Can anyone who knows, comment on how the GW slottafoam trays and the Charon slottafoam trays compare for 30mm miniatures? Is one less abrasive than the other, are the compartments larger in one versus the other? Thanks!
  18. I purchased their Celtic Fantasy Bases, and was happy with the quality. Mine needed very little clean-up, unlike some other resin bases that I have purchased. Of course, YMMV.
  19. Hi, I thought that people here would appreciate this. This guy makes art that fits on the head of a pin, inside the eye of a needle, etc.! http://www.willard-wigan.com/art.html
  20. In their defense, I believe that they had requests for that character with a sword.
  21. Hi, Thank you Ritual and Duende! I appreciate the help.
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