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Everything posted by r2-j1

  1. Normally this kind of mini isn't my cup of tea, but I have to admit, this one is way cool. The way they did the cape effect is just plain genius. I think it is a perfect execution of the kind of look they were going for.
  2. Somebody should point this out to GW. Clearly it is possible to make a lanky, bald giant with a ponch and not have it end up being a freaking abomination. They aught to give that a try. I like this guy. He has some very cool details and just seems to be a story unto himself. Looks intimidating as anything to paint though.
  3. Dagnabit! If I had a Black Scorpion mini on hand I might have give this a whirl. I placed an order with an online retailer a few weeks ago and had an Archibald in my cart. I ended up taking him out to save a little money, and because I probably never would have found an excuse to get around to painting him. I'm regretting that now.:banghead:
  4. Not to shabby He is very well detailed, and I dig the giant wrench and apron. He seems a little boring in some ways, I dunno. From the armor you would swear he look like a warcaster, but apparently he is a solo. I'll need some time and a clear look at the rules before I decide if he is the something I want to put my effort into.
  5. Pretty sharp, and with tons of character. He actually looks very much looks something Wyrd would put out.
  6. It's a pretty model, I just wish I had the time to fit something like that in. I do hope to see a nice painted version or two the next time Total Testosterone rolls around though.
  7. That green really does give you a better impression of the bug. Very nice indeed.
  8. I like it. It is nicely sculpted with a great pose, plus the head options are great. I picked up Elfball at Gencon this year and it is a pretty cool game. I wonder which team he plays for? Also as a hater of TU, I have to point out that the the Texas longhorn is not a bull, he is a steer. In other words he has no nuts.
  9. Yeah that might be the worst posed mini I have ever seen. Every thing else is pretty nice. I like the bug, and the Tuareg is very cool.
  10. I'm always amazed at the quality of some of the entries this contest receives, and not just the Kev White stuff. Some really worthy pieces in there. I love, love, love The Traveling Court of The Brownie King, I'd love to get that one should it get produced.
  11. Why in the world is Eternal Sunshine on that list? I mean I love the movie, but I certainly wouldn't call it sci fi. Granted the memory wipe technology lends it a little of those elements, but not enough to attach that label IMO. There are definitely some worthy pieces to not make that list.
  12. The scores got wiped out awhile back, I think around the time the new games were added, but the forum badges still stayed with the proper high scorer, even though they no longer appeared on the high scores list. I guess that changed though.:ripped: They look to have been wiped out again and the badges with them this time.
  13. Wow Nathan let the word out on quite a few things he hasn't shown yet. Proceed to speculate wildly.
  14. I went with Mortimer the Gravedigger also, for the reasons as Drevilmonki. I love the cartoonish, yet still detailed style. He has the best of both worlds. My runners up are Sebastian morgue assistant, the witchling stalkers, and the ice golem.
  15. They are ok. I'm just not too big on the more realistic look GW seems to be embracing these days. I prefer the previous versions.
  16. Because thats where your house and all your stuff is! Thanks folks I'm here all week, try the veal. And remember there is a 2 drink minimum :elefant::elefant::elefant: It is really nice here now, mid to upper 60s low humidity. It is supposed to get crummy again tomorrow mid 80s and stuffy. Right before the weekend, I'm bummed. I still want some nice cold weather to hit and stay for a bit.
  17. I couldn't quite figure out what it was myself, but You hit it on the head. It did seem to lose a juvenile quality in the transfer. Now I feel a little pervy for wanting it in the mini. :laugh: I think it is in the eyes also though. I'd like to see it with well painted eyes to get a proper feel for it. Just to clarify, I'm not deriding the mini in anyway, I still think it is a great piece.
  18. I rather like it for the most part, though It does seem a little awkwardly proportioned. It'd be nice to see it from a few other angles to really get a better sense of that though. I've always been a big fan of the concept of "savage" orcs, I just wish I had a good reason to paint a small army of them.
  19. I'd really like to see a well painted version of this. I really like the art, but it seems to have lost something in the transfer to miniature form (mostly in the face I think). But this could largely be the fact that it is an unpainted green, and she may get it back if painted right. Either way it is a nice piece on its own merit.
  20. I think those psychic guys are very cool. It is a unique, well designed, well executed, detailed, and very creative piece. I do rather wish is wasn't done with dwarfs though, I think it's the beards. As for the pirates, meh. I'm so pirated out right now.
  21. Oh and speaking of Vike moderating that other site and boobies, a big thanks to him for ridding us of a certain banner add. I was glad to see that one come down. I'm sure it was his love of boobies that made us not want to have to see them in such a disturbing situation. :laugh:
  22. Yeah I remember when you did the name registration thing, and I thought you guys might be headed in that direction, but that was awhile ago. I do look forward to it when you get it all work out.
  23. Yeah the PP forums were an awesome place to be in the early days. But the bigger they grew the more of what made them special seemed to erode away. They now really hold little resemblance to what they were. I guess thats why I don't spend all that much time there anymore. I still hit the PP painting forums regularly, but don't post as much as I used to. I think I still post my newest PP paint jobs there out of habit more then anything. I think I like having the pictures all organized there in one place, as it has been awhile since I got much constrictive, or detailed feedback there. I love Wyrd, and wish for it to have big success, but I also know that as the community grows it will change. It is just the way of things. You know Dan I have always hoped the Brushthralls would start there own little community on your site. In know you guys have about 100 things going on though.
  24. Yeah this is a cool place to hang out. Thats what is nice about a small, but active, tightly knit community.
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