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Everything posted by lauth81

  1. Well, unfortunately my family is pretty small. It´s just me and my 2 sisters and their husband/boyfriend plus a kid. Add the fact, I´m not a religious person at all, so there´s no higher meaning in the holidays for me. For that reason I don´t do special decorations or such for these days. One of my sisters coming over on christmas eve and we´ll have a late lunch together. In the evening (thank you time difference! ET noon games in the US are primetime in middle europe), I´ll start watching football with some friends. On christmas my other sister and her family come over and I´ll cook lunch or dinner (not decided yet) for us all. In Germany, you have a second day of christmas (26th), but I don´t know what´s up for this day yet. Maybe meeting friends from my football team and have a go at the bars and clubs ... Traditionally, gifts have always been rather small in my family. I guess we have some kind of silent understanding, that it should not exceed the monetary value of 20 euros. I normally do the shopping somewhere in November and this year almost everything was bought online. Praise the internet for a way around the people packed stores in pre-christmas time. One of my sisters usually ignores the things on my wishlist, because they are "not things to be given on christmas". Ah well ... :damnit:
  2. The german retailer www.battlefield-berlin.de still has most of the Ilyad stuff from "Le Retour des dieux" and "Chronicles of the Black Moon". The site is only in german as far as I know, though ...
  3. I guess you refer to the Wicked Elves team from Shadowforge. I got it and I like them. I even planned to do a review in here in the next few days, with some pictures of my paintjob so far. I don´t play Warhammer Fantasy Battles, I don´t play W40k, for me it´s only Blood Bowl. And there´s the problem: The BB models (except for the new human team) are from the "old mold" (literally: most sculpts are from the early 90s). They lack what the newer GW minis might have. Look at the official Chaos or Wood Elves teams for example. Boring poses, few variations (normally you get 4-6 different models for a GW team). The GW policy of very low support (2 releases per year for BB, Necromunda, BFG, Inquistor and Warmaster -> every other year one release for YOUR preferred system) for the so called range of "specialist games" gets really out of whack if you consider the recent release of new rules for BB (Living Rulebook 5). There are new teams and new types of players, and for some you can´t find an official GW mini for (Ulfwernerer anybody?), unless you start some converting and not everybody can or wants to do that (most BB players I know aren´t much into painting). And ironically GW insists of only using their models in the 4 official tournaments. The talk out there is about a new box set for BB in 2007 with a new set of dwarven models in it. Keep your fingers crossed ... As long as GW doesn´t support his "specialist" games, others will step in and produce minis for BB. Shadowforge, Impact!, Heresy and others produce the models wanted by the market, GW doesn´t. On a side note, IMHO, GW made a huge step backwards with the new releases for WHFB (Battle for Skull Pass box). Look at the night goblins for example: Not as customizable as the edition before, smaller, less defined. I converted a night goblin regiment of the old edition into a BB team, which was fun, I´ve got 16 unique and different models out of it. No way I could do that with the new sprue. And as far as I can see, there´s not much difference between the new and the old Eldar. (Eldar are the one faction that almost brought me into playing 40k, I like the models)
  4. The grandfather of all Fantasy Football games, BloodBowl by GW is available as a free download from GW/Specialist Games: http://www.specialist-games.com/bloodbowl/rulebook.asp (Legally you must own a box of the game to use this free rulebook, but ... yada yada yada) You still need the proper dice, a board and esp. the pass range ruler, but there are shops who sell them seperately (tritex games in the UK) or you can make them yourself. There´s a table for the range ruler somewhere on the net (I might have it, but have to look for it). You can play BB online for free at http://fumbbl.com. It´s a java client software that allows you to play against other players over the net. It doesn´t use the newest ruleset, because the client software has to be rewritten for that and the last major rulechange happened last August. The skill level there is very high. I would recommend to play a few games on the "real" board first to get a feel for the game and the tactics. It can be a very frustrating experience for a newbie player at fumbbl. Heresy has same free "Deathball" rules, but I don´t know them.
  5. see here: Marmite is a British savoury spread made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing. It is a sticky, dark brown paste with a distinctive, powerful taste that polarises consumer opinion and prompts its advertising slogan that you either "love it or hate it". It is similar to Australia's Vegemite and Switzerland's Cenovis, and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. (copied from wikipedia) I´ll go with the proper end product of beer brewing: beer (that leaves you out, US breweries, you only sell slightly coloured water)
  6. That´s what I call a proper thread hijack! From computer problems to icky things you can dip fries into! (Milkshake? - are you serious? Marmite? - ugh)
  7. Got my 11 woman team on saturday. Right now painting up the first one ... They are sooo tiny in comparison to GW BB figs ... My approach colourwise is quite different though ...
  8. I entered the contest in three categories (one mini per). Thanks for all the helpful comments. I posted a reply for each entry with some information about the mini. You may take a look at them here: Harrowing Harvest: Marcus Gideon vs. Railor rising from the grave http://wyrd-games.net/gallery/showimage.php?i=1129&noignore=0&postid=8019#post8019 (including a "How I did the ghost") Trick or Treat: Blue Goblin throwing grenades http://wyrd-games.net/gallery/showimage.php?i=1140&noignore=0&postid=8021#post8021 Bump: Heresy Troll http://wyrd-games.net/gallery/showimage.php?i=1148&postid=8020#post8020
  9. When posting in the forums, I don´t have that little box anymore, where I can select some smilies from. Not in "Quick Reply" and not even in the "Advanced Mode". (and yes, "Smilies ar ON" ;-) ) To include some smilies in my last posts, I had to hit the link "smilies" in "smilies are ON" and copy and paste the approbiate text into my post.
  10. Well, my sister asked for a list and I gave her one with all Confrontation Wolfen I don´t have yet :laugh: Not sure I´ll get even one though ... :pray:
  11. I ordered the team already, I don´t like the plateau shoes and will probably file them down. There are also 3 additional pairs of positionals available (Lineelves, Blitzers, Assassins/Spies) with different sculpts tha the ones shown here. I´m not so keen on the support staff and won´t buy it.
  12. If there´s going to be a full team of those Anubis - I´ll buy it. Definitely. The ref´s nice, but you don´t have any use for a ref mini anymore under LRB 5. Maybe a pickup along with the anubis team. Not to keen on the halfling, I don´t play them (gobbos are better stunties ;-) ).
  13. To reinforce your argument: For me, it´s quite the opposite. I like the Game colors and don´t like the model ones ...
  14. Well, I´m actually trying to get a Wolfen army together and I really dig the Ultimate Irix, but it costs 40 Euros (!) Is it cast in gold or what? Hydra Warriors - really cool. Remove the weapons and you´ve got perfect bloodbowl Chaos Dwarves (which now can get mutations -> tentacles!) Too bad I already have a full CD team ... ;-)
  15. There are very nice minis in the Fantasy Football section. Have you ever been over at talkbloodbowl.com? I´ll bet you´ll get a very positrive response for the figs and a lot of potential buyers. EDIT: I just found the thread on tbb where somebody already posted links to your greens. Hopefully, they´ll be available soon. The ref is very nice, the big bear man is the first real "ulfwerner" for the new LRB5 norse I´ve seen, the mummy is a cool sculpt and everybody loves chainsaw wielding halflings.
  16. that´s me (and my whiskey ;-) )
  17. I just finished a Rackham Wolfen (Fighter 3) and have some GW BB Humans, but no camera. So I went with the old measuring tape: Rackham Wolfen: 47 mm GW Human BB Catcher: 28 mm (foot to eye, excluding base)
  18. Quite surprised to find a new german company out there - never heard from them until now. And I´m from Germany ... Anyway, I like that Angel ...
  19. EricJ, try google and find an online supply store for dentists. (Take a look at the instructions pages at hirstarts.com first to find the proper types of dental plaster to use). Here in Germany, I have the luxury of an rpg/mini online store that sells dental plaster in 1 kilogram increments. Costs about 3 Euros a kilogram (that should be around 3,50 $)
  20. The Eldar Avatar should get a decent paintjob and it would look great, I think. The body is supposed to be some kind of living magma and therefore the cracks. I don´t like the Korps guys, because the look like Nazi Wehrmacht people.
  21. I found the hirst arts moulds (and the blocks) quite easy to manage. If you use the proper plaster (I use dental plaster) one casting takes no more than 2 hours (the blocks still have to dry further for about a day).
  22. a mindflayer pirate - definitely a "must buy". I like the priestess and the pegasus with rider.
  23. For RPGs, I play Dungeons and Dragons both as a DM and Player. I´ve got almost all of the Earthdawn stuff because I like the setting, but have actually never played it. Some friends of mine are getting a Serenity RPG going in the next month or so, and I´m willing to try that. The only miniatures game I play right now is Blood Bowl, but this one very often. I´m playing in 2 different leagues and visit all the tournaments I can afford to go to. NAF member? Of course ... sheesh ... And there´s online BB via fumbbl.com. I´ve got some Warlord minis and the rulebook, but that game is not widely known in Germany. Sadly, I must say. If we go for a classical boardgame, its mostly Settlers or Starfarers of Catan, Carcassonne and Runebound. I played the new Civilization boardgame by Eagle Games recently, and I liked it despite the flaws it has. There´s also the german version of an old GW game, Dragonquest, which gets played sometimes.
  24. whoo ... nice. definitely much better than the reaper one, which was released recently.
  25. I like the standards of the orc thingies ... The giant spider is great, almost as good as the Heresy one.
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