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Everything posted by vincegamer

  1. I think they're going for something like this civil war era cannon. However, they could have done better on the pivots. There's no reason I can think of to need to change the tilt of the cannon. It would have been better if they'd detailed it a bit more and made it static.
  2. I'm pretty sure it's "sometimes the ups outnumber the downs, but not in nottingham" Oooohdahlalie!
  3. Here's my heirarchy: Good paint job Unpainted Bad paint job. I'm a bit odd, as you know, but I am more interested in a well painted mini, mainly because it shows me where the details are, but it also makes me think "how can I do it differently."
  4. Nathan, I came SOOOOO close to naming Robin Hood as my favorite animated film. Men in Tights, Prince of Thieves, The Adventures of, Robin and Marian, etc. Of all of the versions of the Robin Hood story I've ever seen, I still put the one and only "Robin Hood" at the top of the list. (plus I chuckle every time Marian is called a vixen)
  5. 1) Movie: What was the last movie you watched? (and would you recommend it) Ong-Bok the Thai Warrior and yes. Some absolutely stunning non-enhanced martial arts and possibly the coolest foot chase scene ever 2) Movie: Name a movie you could watch over and over. Labarynth - and each time I notice something new 3) Movie: Name a movie you liked, but wouldn't want to watch again (any time soon). Eric the Viking - for some reason I loved it the first time through but the second time it was flat. 3) Movie: Name a movie you love which is a guilty pleasure, that you wouldn't normally admit to. Breakback Mountain - but only for Ann Hathaway in the car 4) Movie: What would you consider your favorite movie Genre Do Marx Brothers films count as a Genre? 5) Movie: Name your favorite Drama. Million Dollar Baby 6) Movie: Name your favorite Comedy. Duck Soup 7) Movie: Name your favorite Sci Fi/Fantasy. Labarynth/The Princess Bride 8) Movie: Name your favorite Animated movie. The Incredibles 9) Movie: Name your favorite Action movie. Die Hard 10) Movie: Name your favorite Date movie. (a movie you would take a date to) The Age of Innocense - but only because the girl I took to see it eventually married me. 11) Movie: Do you more commonly see new releases in the theater or wait for DVD. wait, definitely 12) Actors: Who is your Favorite Actor. Gonzo - followed closely by William H. Macey 13) Actors: Who is your Favorite Actress. Jessica Rabbit 14) Actors: Who is someone which will cause you to skip a movie just because they're in it. The Olson Twins 15) Actors: If you could have a fling with 1 actor/actress for the weekend, who would it be? Winona Ryder 16) Actors: If you could marry one actor/actress, who would it be? Demi Moore ($$$) 17) Directors: Who is your favorite Director what's a director? 18) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, what movie would you make? Conan: Hour of the Dragon 19) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, who would you get to direct it Tempted to say Rob Reiner 20) Your Movie: If you could make a movie, who would you cast to star in it? Arnold of course 21) Special Effects: Do you prefer model based or CGI based special effects?
  6. I will have to place an order once I find a job. I also love how you've kept shipping reasonable. I won't mind ordering from the states.
  7. Dr. Hugh? Does he look like one of the more recent doctors I haven't seen? or do I need to give him a hat and scarf and curly hair to get Tom Baker? (which I definitely would do)
  8. Back ages ago on CMON there was a thread where people showed their workspace and someone had the best wall-mounted paint rack. THAT was something I'd be interested in.
  9. Nice looking system, but, like all stairstep paint storage systems, it doesn't actually save you any space. If space is your constraint (which it is for me) then this is not attractive.
  10. I like it a lot. It would have been nice if you'd gotten all the pieces referenced in there though. I see a knight, castle, pawn, king and bishop. Guess it's just missing the queen.
  11. I echo supervike on this. And that is how poison blades (DE assassins anyone?) should look.
  12. whatever it is, it's loading so slowly I give up.
  13. Beagle boys! Hilarious. I love obscure pop culture references. Which is why the orange jump suits are excellent.
  14. I've always hated mega swords, but clearly many like them. What I find off about the mini is there is no visible reason for the thigh armor to actually be where it is. No straps, doesn't wrap around. It just sticks to his legs for no apparent reason.
  15. Back in High school when I RPGd I used to carry my dice in a WWI ammunition belt.
  16. Suryat would be better without the knife.
  17. may pick up kendra and the cheerleader when I get some free cash.
  18. I'll give Maria nods for being unique, but don't actually care for her. Too busy for my taste. Better without the bird. Bugbear is nice.
  19. Nathan, you could achieve something like what you did with the bases here. You just have to cover up a bunch of them with grass. Of course on close inspection I see the ones here have ork skulls, alien skulls, dog/wolf skulls etc., which might not fit your theme.
  20. She's got a gun glued to her head. There's not a lot I can do with that.
  21. Have you ever seen an army mounted on skull bases? That would be just weird.
  22. or the leaf... and I couldn't figure out how to get the ladies without getting them drunk. I was an adonis and an olympian but it didn't matter. Anyway, Mansion Impossible is not letting me record my score.
  23. I'm just not having any luck with the ladies. I'm burly, and my lustmeter is full, but she just says she's fine. [edit] okay, apparently the trick is walking away and then bumping into her again somewhere else... So, lust down. I actually have everything but Envy. I'm guessing it has something to do with that mansion, but I can't figure out what to do there. [final edit] Done! I love the ending. I wasn't getting there because I didn't realize you could go to the forest.
  24. I suspected you could get drunk enough to find the ugly one attractive but never had enough cash to try it. I got strong, but overdid it and became a behemoth. I got beautiful, but I didn't have good legs (that dance game is hard).
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