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Everything posted by vincegamer

  1. I like the pose and face, but I don't think her build is athletic enough for the huntress.
  2. nice intermix of media. You get a tiny bit more of the story with each comic picking up where each episode leaves off.
  3. means you got one state off. That game is harder depending on what states you start with. If you start with wyoming or colorado, it's pretty hard to get them accurately placed.
  4. If the neighbor's a plant, she can prod me all she wants....
  5. Nice looking stuff, but do you do any gaming bases?
  6. I think maybe they'll go around locating various other "supers" and trying to get them to use their powers for good. Might be kind of X-files-ish.
  7. It's not on at a bad time for me. I just don't get NBC where I live, so I have to watch it online. Plus, I have to watch it in my office since for some reason it won't play on my home computer. All I get is a gray bar across the screen where the image should be.
  8. That explains it then. They don't include the previews on the web site of the "latest episode" though maybe it's there somewhere.
  9. Wait. I missed that part. Keeping her alive is key? What told you that? I am pretty sure the younger brother is sort of a supers-chameleon. He mimics the powers around him. Unlike a similar comic book character though, he doesn't seem to steal them, only copy them. This makes him much more interesting than he started out. The brother on the other hand is much less interesting. Speaking of which, which one did he mean when Daddy said "just take the one."?
  10. Hey! I can bend time and space! I think I'll go back in time and spend a few years in an intensive English language program! Yep, that would be my reaction.
  11. There's the fact that the bodies were burried in the same place, the kid said no one would ever find his dad, the phrase "our son" and now there's that tattoo.
  12. Okay, I really like the twist the "younger flying brother" has taken. I'm still convinced that the mom is really the mom & dad. Anyone else have comments?
  13. Very neatly painted. Here's one suggestion for highlighting - too late, but you can try in future: First paint the shield white. Then paint the bottom half black. Grade shades of grey in the middle. Then paint whatever you want on top, but keep the paint thin.
  14. Steph, no fair posting a picture of Bono.
  15. I think he's pretty cool. They seem to do best with the monsters. [edit] why isn't that showing up as an image?
  16. Now I'm imagining a goblin judge in black robe and powdered wig.
  17. I like the troll the thrall and the Krea but I'll pass on the rest.
  18. I used to have a Wolfen. I think they were similar to the Dragyri, which do appear on that site.
  19. The idea of a superhero running for congress is appealing, but I'd agree if you are saying the whiny "big brother was always more popular" and "mom loves me best" soap-opera crap is annoying.
  20. Well, you definitely get more action and more of Silas and the Dad. In fact you see a pic of the Dad and though I don't recall his name, he's a recognizable actor so he's bound to be alive still - though I suppose he could just appear in flashbacks. Mom: I still don't get it. How is being able to kill several people and hide the bodies in the desert a power? And where's her husband? Actually, I'm suspecting that the killer is actually her husband who is somehow possessing her. SPOILER>>>>>>>>>>> The double burried the bodies just where her husband burried his bodies. Cop: Definitely pulled his head out. I thought his reaction to hearing voices was pretty good, and in this last episode SPOILER>>>>>>>>>>> I love when he asks no questions and just opens fire. Cheerleader: Yeah, it's gotten old already. How many of her internal organs will we get to see before the season ends? Her "death" seems to be just a plot device to get her out of school. Japanese guy: Still my favorite. Nothing he has done has felt wrong, and nothing seems overdone. I like how he's brought his friend along - his "english speaking" friend. The language issue will be interesting to deal with. Artist: I didn't get the ending of the last episode. I thought she took away all of his drugs. Is he able to paint the future without drugs? or did he still have a stash she didn't know about? Silas seems to have all of the abilities of the others and more, and is hunting them. Oh, and his thinking is apparently backwards. I wonder if he can somehow steal powers. Indian Prof.: I still like this guy but I am also suspicious of the girl. Also, I think someone is encouraging him to find his dad's formula, with the idea that he'll be able to solve the code. I think it's moving too slowly for you guys because there are so many story lines going on at the same time that you can't get very far with any one of them. Personally I'm not complaining.
  21. I just checked back here and the 3rd image I posted was not working. In case you missed it, it was the ram head logo from the St. Louis Rams.
  22. Given the canvas, I'd think the choice would be obvious. Some form of the Goat of Mendes: Or slightly more intricate Baphomet: Or for a touch of whimsey:
  23. looks like they've based it on a lot of the original art for the Tolkein books. I really like the trolls.
  24. Musicians are cool, but that horse looks disproportionately small to me.
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