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Have a model to use the trigger when declare it?



I was looking to rules, if model have to use the trigger when it declares the trigger.


Maybe this is theoretical situation (dont know all triggers)

But lest say:

Cassandra is attacking Target. Cassi has trigger "After damaging push this model up to 4" This one is real

Target has trigger - "After failing, make 2" pulse  and all models take 3 dmg"

Both announce the triiger - defender first because has lower total.


Cassandra wounds the Target.

Both triggers would go in same moment, but attacker's trigger is resolved first. So Cassi is pushed out of the reach of the Target's trigger range. And because the Target cannot hurt Cassi and it would hurt some other friedly model, it would like to not use the announced trigger.


So question is - Have a model to use the trigger when declare it?


I would say yes - it announce that is going to use the trigger. But in rules it is not clearly written.


Here is part from p.16

Compare the models’ Duel Totals. First, the model
with the lowest total, or the Defender if the totals are
tied, may Declare it is using a Trigger if its Duel Total
meets a Trigger’s suit requirement
Next, the other model may announce it is using a
Trigger if it meets the Trigger’s requirements. A
Trigger’s effect is resolved immediately unless
another time is indicated in its description, as it may
be resolved later.



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