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So smother can give models activating near the Alps slow, but is the slow applied before the model receives AP?


E.g. If a model with slow activate near an Alp, does it receive slow again and thus damage or not?


Edit. Okay, rechecked some things, as I understand it this is how it goes: Model activates. Alp test triggers. Can't receive slow because still has slow. Generate 1 less ap. End of activation lose slow?

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Pg 52 in the big rulebook, the bit about conditions reads the following in the second paragraph: "Conditions presented without a value in their name do not stack, and a model that would get a second instance of a Condition simply ignores it (the second instance is not applied)."

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I have a few questions about Smother with regards to the following examples;



When a model is summoned it "gains" the slow condition. An enemy model that "recieves" the slow condition within 3 inches of an Alp takes a point of damage. If an enemy model is summoned and placed within 3 inches of an Alp does it take a point of damage? (Assume Seamus summoned a Belle)


A model that already has the slow condition when it activates generates one less AP. This enemy model is within 3 inches of an Alp and must take a TN 12 Wp duel or recieve slow. The model already has the slow condition and according to the rules that condition is not removed until the end of its activation. If the model fails the TN 12 Wp duel it cant recieve slow again so basically nothing happens?

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Good question about the summoned model. I don't have the book in front of me for the timing on when a summoned model gains Slow.


The second one you are correct, though. If you have slow and activate near an Alp, you can't gain slow again until after your activation is over, so you still have to make the duel (and flip the cards) but can't gain slow either way and thus won't take damage. 

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