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Lucius Commanding Presence



If Lucius walks he can make a friendly minion pass a TN13 Horror Duel to take a (1) action.


1. Can he target the same model twice if he walks twice and target is in range?

2. If so, Does the target count as having passed it's Horror duel vs Lucius or does it need to pass another test?



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If that's the case (and that's how it reads initially) then Double Austringer bombing has made it through the back door! 


without trying guessing the designer's intent, the rules would indicate that once you pass a horror duel, you are immune to further horror duels from the same source for the rest of the turn. Therefore you while you are able to target the same minion again, it can't take a horror duel, therefore can't succeed at the duel, meaning it can't take the action which it receives as a result of succeeding the horror duel.


back in subjective mode: I playtested the double Austringer bombing list when Lucius could also issue commands to them, it was very NPE. so much so that the non-austringer clause was added based on feedback. I would be surprised (although not for the first time - wrong) that Justin would have added the non-austringer clause but still given access to multiple bombing ( admittedly, without the focus benefit)

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If Lucius walks he can make a friendly minion pass a TN13 Horror Duel to take a (1) action.


1. Can he target the same model twice if he walks twice and target is in range?

2. If so, Does the target count as having passed it's Horror duel vs Lucius or does it need to pass another test?




1. Yes. There are no futher target restriction than range, LoS and that the Target is a minion.


2. If the target has already passed a Horror test from Lucius, the model is now immune to futher Horror test from him, so will not take any further tests. 

(Horror section in the rulebook page 48).

As Lucius Commanding Presence ability states that target has to succed from the Horror test to get the effect of an extra (1) Action, you are now out of luck. The target model can´t succed in a test as it doesn´t take the test.


To sum up...this ability can normally only affect a model one time per Turn.

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Just to point out, if you had a minion within 4" of an enemy Hanged model, you could repeatedly target that minion. I guess it won't happen often, but it's a thing to keep in the back of your mind and play a potentially nasty trick on an unsuspecting resser player :)


Hahaha, nice catch :D

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