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Collette and “Drowning Injustice”

Mr Motley


So today I tried Jack Daw but something came up that we could do with some help with, its a bit of a wordy one but I hope I can explain it ok


Jack Daw had put “Drowning Injustice” on Colette so she had “Death by Drowning” (After declaring a Tactical Action other than Penance (including Actions such as Walk, Charge, etc) this model immediately suffers 2 damage that may not be reduced. This model suffers 2 damage whenever it fails a simple duel.)


Then Jack cast “Twist and Turn, Target Tormented model immediately performs a (1) Action chosen and controlled by this model's controller. The Action may not declare Triggers.”


Colette got her trigger “Now You See Me...: After suffering damage, discard target Scheme Marker within 1" to reduce the damage to 0, then place this model anywhere within 6"”


But as “twist and turn” causes no damage to Colette's “Now You See Me” does not trigger. I hope thats clear so far, so now the tricky but.


I made Colette walk, so then she takes 2dam form “Death by Drowning”. Sam thinks that as Colette got her trigger against “Twist and Turn” she could use “Now You See Me”. I say its a new action and and Colettes trigger does not apply


one more thing, can Colette and friends put scheme markers within 4 of another scheme marker?

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Coleete and friends can put scheme markers within 4" of another scheme marker if they're using a special action to do so.


The "can't place a scheme marker within 4" of another scheme marker" is a restriction that is specific to the (1) Interact action, not a general restriction on Scheme Markers.


I don't know the answer about Twist and Turn / Now You See Me. I'm guessing that the trigger doesn't apply, but I don't know.

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Without my book in front of me, I'd say that the action Jack makes Colette take is a new action (I think that's defined in a call out on actions causing actions). That means the duel resolves, she gets her trigger but takes no damage, then the new action begins and Colette takes damage as a result. There's no duel in that action, so she can't be defending, so no Df trigger.

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Things like Colette's "Props" trigger can place scheme markers with 4".


However, I'd guess you're talking about Rehearsed, which lets the crew take (1) Interact Actions as (0)s. Since they're taking regular Interact Actions, they're subject to all the normal limits, like 4" apart and not being engaged, etc.

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Are these wave 2 models? Some people (me!) aren't super familiar with how this is broken up...


I'm also not entirely sure if you're confusing Triggers with Abilities and Stat Triggers, which are different things for the purpose of Twist and Turn. What that's saying is that the Action you make the model take may not declare Triggers (of which Walk doesn't have any), not that you can't declare a defensive stat trigger in response to something else.


In short, if Walk had a Trigger associated with it you wouldn't be able to declare it's use, but Now You See Me (which is a stat trigger that activates in response to being harmed, not by performing an Action) will still pop and you may reduce the damage.

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I'm also not entirely sure if you're confusing Triggers with Abilities and Stat Triggers, which are different things for the purpose of Twist and Turn. What that's saying is that the Action you make the model take may not declare Triggers (of which Walk doesn't have any), not that you can't declare a defensive stat trigger in response to something else.



But defensive triggers need a duel to trigger themselves. A solid dmg from a source that doesn't inflict a duel just makes the damage.

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I don't have the cards on me, can double check on Monday, but I would say...

Colette has drowning injustice

Jack casts twist & turn (which dosent generate damage)

Colette resists, fails but declares now you see me

Colette resolves now you see me, reduces damage (of which there is none) and switches with a marker if she wants

Colette takes the 1 ap action (walk)

Drowning injustice causes Colette to take 2 damage

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First off; Colette can´t reduce the damage as drowning has the "this damage can´t be reduced" effect.


Secondly she can´t use a trigger unless there are a duel involved, which there are not in a walk action.


Thirdly normally you can´t "store" trigger effects for later.

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Thaarup got it right, Colette's "Now You See Me" wouldn't help her at all there, as the Action that inflicts the damage is Walk, not Twist & Turn, and since Walk doesn't need an Opposed Duel Colette can't activate the Trigger.

But even if she could have activated it, Drowning Injustice's damage cannot be reduced anyway.

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@Zfiend (quotes don't work?):


Good point, I was mixing up a couple things in my head. :)  Defensive Triggers need a Duel, defensive abilities do not. If from Wave 2 these models don't even have final cards yet, so all I have to go on are what's written (that's why I mentioned the terminology). Regardless, "this action may not declare triggers" only refers to the action you are making the model the take, and nothing else.

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