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Help Me Pick a Contrasting Crew


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Sonnia, Perdita or Rasputina if you want a straight contrast. But if you want to go into truly different style of play, Molly, Pandora, Jakob, Leveticus or Jack Daw seem like bigger variations, requiring a change of mindset.


Jakob and Rasputina also has the advantage of each sharing faction with Mei, allowing some cross-implementation.

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Although this isn't exactly what you have asked I would consider faction when making your decision. If you just have Mei's boxset then although you have a crew that you can play any strategy or scheme there will be particular matchups or strategy/schemes that Mei would be weak at or would at least benefit from some additional models able to fill specific roles. As you usually declare faction before determining strategies and then pick your crew most players expand their crews within a single faction (at least at first). You are in luck because Mei feng is dual faction so you could choose a crew from either Ten Thunders or Arcanists and still allow some sharing of models.


On the Ten Thunders side, I've never played against Jakob Lynch but his playstyle is quite unlike any other Master, and he is quite competitive on the tournament scene. That being said because he is so different there won't be many models you already own which you would get much use of with Lynch. He is also dual faction, but being Neverborn, there won't be many models that both Jakob and Mei would use, though I think he might find Railworkers useful. Of the other Ten Thunders Misaki is probably the most similar to Mei, as she is also melee centric, but you would then have a lot of interchangeable models.


On the Arcanist side, Ramos springs to mind. I played against Ramos with a Rail Golem last night, and I could see Railworkers  fitting in one of his crews. Kang also gets benefits (or gives benefits?) from being with M&SU members. Ramos is all about swarming your opponent with spiders, tieing them down without necessarily killing them. My opponent last night (Mythic Fox) recently came  second in a 3 round tournamet, killing only one model in the entire event (but with a VP difference of about +12. That would be quite a contrast to Mei Feng, but you'd get use out of the Rail Golem and Metal Gamin with both of them.  

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I would definetly back up Ramos, he is an intriguing master to play and you could also use the same models back and forth with Mei. It's good to stay within faction or things get out of hand. I have a problem now with having masters from different factions and everyone "needs" and wants some minions and I'm in a point that I need prioritize which master to focus on, rather than just staying with one faction and get minions and enforcers etc to all my masters at the same time :) 


Ramos is really fun to play also, I didn't somehow like the idea of Ramos at all and he was on my definetly not list, then I played a game and absolutely fell in love with the playstyle.

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Another thing to consider is that Wave 2 is launching in three days, so that actually expands the playing field a lot in terms of masters and playstyles.  I agree with Serigala that trying to develop a faction is a good thing, and there are good options available for different play coming out.


Lucas McCabe, for example, is a ranged combat/support master who can do a bit of the nitty gritty in a pinch, and is a Ten Thunders master.  Yan Lo can build himself to suit the task at hand in game, largely, but starts with a fairly decent ranged attack and support for models even if he does work best with undead and spirits.  Shenlong might be a bit too melee-oriented for your tastes at the moment, but he has good support options, also.


On the Arcanist side of things, I don't think you're going to find a playstyle more different from Mei Feng than Colette.  She is the queen of battlefield and scheme marker manipulation, and most models work well with her.  Kaeris is also a bit different and has two distinct playstyles, although she plays in the mid-range whether she's running support or damage.  Ironsides has good synergy with the models you already own, but doesn't provide a whole lot that Mei Feng can use.  She also has a lot of the same play as Mei, what with the beatdowns and being badass while doing it.


But if you're looking to branch out, you could also pick up just about any Gremlin (save Mah Tucket) for a change of playstyle.  The Brewmaster is even dual-faction with Ten Thunders and has some very, very different gameplay.

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