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Quick question


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Hey I was reading through the rules and I just wanted to make sure I had it right:

So when I declare an attack action and flip a red joker - it just counts as a 14 of any suit, is that right?

But if the attack action succeeds and THEN I flip the red joker for damage it counts as Severe + Weak. Is that right?

So flipping the red joker on the attack isn't automatically a severe + weak success.

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Two more questions -

I was looking at the Silent One's DF trigger Frozen Statue, and it says that it ocurrs "After resolving".

Does that mean it still ocurrs after damage goes on? So if you hit her with a 4 damage attack, would she take 4 damage and then for the rest of the turn only take 1 damage from attacks? Or does she just immediately go frozen and take 1 damage?

Also, do :pulse attacks require LOS? or would Lady Justice's Justice Unleashed attack be able to hit an undead unit on the other side of a wall?

Thanks again!

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