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what to add to Guilds Judgement?


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So I have the Judgement box set... Lady J, Judge, Scales and 3x Death Marshalls...

I plan to use this set and my Viktorias box to learn the game... but I want to know some recommendations for adding on to it.

I plan to get the Ronin box to add to my Outcasts crew... but not sure what to get for the Lady J crew...

I'm thinking Pathfinder and Austringer maybe?

I would like to pick up the Gunslingers box if I can find it somewhere... but not sure if Perditas crew plays well with the Judgement box..?

Ideally I'd like to take the 25SS box sets and bump them up to 50SS so I can play a variety of game sizes in between and counting those two...

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So far I've found the Executioner and Guild Guard to be a fine addition to Guild's Judgement. Though I find the Austringer to be a good pick as well.

It all depends on what your going up against in my opinion. I think the Guild doesn't really go wrong with mixing and matching. Then again I've stuck with Lady J with minimal additions to the base box.

Lone Marshal was a great crew pick, though he doesn't do well on boards with a load of terrain.

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Yup, those are all my suggestions too.

Lone Marshall has good synergy as he's a marshal.

The Austringers are amazing for their cost- they've got a rediculous threat range, as well as scheme shenanigans letting people drop markers outside of their activation.

I'd also suggest frank, because he can yank Lady J out of combat if she's in trouble, and allow marshals and others to fire into the melee with him (due to the geometric upgrade). Though the judge already has the pull built in.

The pathfinder is pretty good, and his model is cool. The Traps are a little lack luster, but what can you ask for in a 2 stone summonable model. The judge's stand for justice is at least a way to drag someone into the trap to trigger pounce. :P


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  • 3 weeks later...
how so, pushes ignore sever terrain penality.

Board I was on had a lot of fences(ht 1). Granted its a rare occurrence. But it has happened.

I'm not sure about pushes and climbing though.


Yeah, pg 43 last paragraph of Push. The severe terrain is good to know, :)

Edited by Hagisman
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I'm building terrain for my Malifaux board... going to make it a ghost town with at least 8 structures, plus fences (possibly a corral), a well and such.

I have the bank finished, working on a Marshalls office now... then a saloon and general store... I plan on a few burned out or broken down buildings mixed in as well.

So the board should be full

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