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which is the easiest pair of starter boxes to learn with out of the 3 i just bought?


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so I have no willpower when it comes to hobby sales and i bought the starter boxes for pandora, the viks(all female ronin looking set) and mcmourning(i think thats his name... creepy dr with undead dogs and nurses?).

I have never played a game, or seen one play. I have read almost all the rule book. some of it was just getting hard to absorb without a game in front of me to see how it plays out.

as the title of the thread asks, given those 3 sets, what is going to be the best 2 sets out of the box, to learn the game with? I would like to play some matches against a friend, but dont want to go crazy with overly complex rules making things hard to follow.

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Viks, hands-down, is the easiest....they hit like a truck, but just need a little proper timing since they are also very fragile.....the box works well together.

Probably followed by McMo.......he has some interesting Poison synergy.....but it isn't tough to figure out how it basically works (may take longer to actually master it, but that's most models).

Pandora has her own little game within a game.....she can force when the opponent activates certain models....it can take a bit of getting used to...both for the player and the opponent....and she has quite a bit of crew synergy, wanting to be positioned properly for maximum affect.

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Really all of them are interesting. For your first time around the slums of malifaux hard to go wrong with the Viktorias teh crew is a heavy melee style with support shooting. Its less about subtlety and more about bashing skulls.

Mcmourning is a crew built around his ability to both deal dmg, his crew give out poison which he can make an opponent all take at once so he has high burst dmg potential. If you like the idea of a crew that is built around helping each other to achieve more than one part can individually this is your crew.

Pandora-This crew is built around positioning and an understanding of order of operations. Pandora and candy have some ability to manipulate when a model can activate and are a very strong control crew. Pandora primary attacks depend on the models she's facing she actually can force your opponent to either hit or shot themselves with there own weapons. She and her sorrows also add insult to injury when an opponents models is within 6 of them and line of sight and they fail a duel where wp is being used by that enemy model they take a point of dmg for each pandora and sorrow one at a time. So there's a lot of set up requried and some strong control a little more complex to start with but if that appeals to you go for her.

the beauty of second edition is all the masters are fairly good to start with.

So my recommendation is use the crew that appeals to you most.

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