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Looking to buy some flame pillars!


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In the past I've seen people selling flame pillars/walls on 50mm bases; I think some of them even had LED's in them for added effects. I was wondering if anyone knew of any websites that sell these, preferably pre-painted. I've got a huge backlog of stuff that needs painting, and I don't want to add to my huge workload.

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I made my own using regular 50mm bases along with a mix of red, yellow and orange 'plastic crystals' I bought on ebay from a gaming shop. I can hunt for a link if you like. Super glued a mix of them in place, added a little extra to really solidify it (in hindsight this probably wasn't necessary, and dulled the presentation a little, but on the up side it's basically indestructible) as I wanted something flat enough a model could theoretically stand on it if the need arose.

I also messed around with soldering my own flickering LED into a 50mm base and wiring it to a switch and battery, which worked for a few days, but my soldering job wasn't great and I ended up abandoning the project eventually.

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Its hard to find something reasonable that is also HT 5. I had picked up some air elementals that would look good with a repaint. They are a little smaller than I would like at just over 2".


I'd recommend also printing off some 2-D templates to keep on hand should a miniature pass through.

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