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Wierd timing issue

Soul Puppet


Okay, I understand that when several things happen at once, the activating player usually decides the order of resolution. This situation came up in a game last night:

Ice Golem and Hungering Darkness are in base contact. The Golem currently has Brilliance and 3 wounds remaining, Hungering Darkness is currently Paralysed and has 1 wound remaining. Jakob shoots into the combat twice and hits the Ice Golem both times, killing it. The Shatter damage from it's demise then kills Huggy.

The question then is: can Huggy be brought back (through the Rising Sun upgrade) when the Golem dies?

We weren't sure because in order for Huggy to die, the Golem has to shatter and if it's already dead before Huggy dies, surely it can't be a target to bring him back?

Can someone help clarify?

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The only way HD could come back is if it is removed from the table before the IG is removed from the table. If they are removed simultaneously (or after) then there is no model for HD to be in base with.

Pg 46 says "If the model is reduced to 0 or fewer Wounds it is immediately removed from the game as killed."

Also on Page 46 under General Timing first step "The Acting Model [JL] resolves it Abilities. 2nd step "The Defending Model [iG] (if there is one) resolved its Abilities". HD would not go until step 3 or 4. Depending on if it is in the first or second players crew, which is irrelevant for this question.

I haven't found anything to break down the exact timing of each step, but based on this I would say the IG inflicts damage and is removed, then HD is removed and resolved its ability after the IG is removed.

I can see how it can be interpreted that HD is killed and removed as part of resolving the IG's ability. I don't think this is so because the IG is removed immediately. But this argument is pretty thin.

Edited by MrDeathTrout
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As far as I see:

1. Golem is killed

2. Checking abilities that kick in during this event

2a. Acting model's Abilities: Lynch has the Rising Sun Upgrade's Slave to Darkness Ability but Huggy is in play. So nothing happens.

2b. Defending player Abilities: Golem shatters

3. Golem is removed from play.

4. Huggy suffers enough damage to be killed.

5. Huggy is burried instead of be killed because of Eternal Darkness.

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