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Am I the only person underwhelmed and disappointed with the Mcmourning box?

McMourning himself is vastly better than his alt but not quite as good as the original. Sebastian is horrid (my least favourite of the plastic re-sculpts so far). Fleshie is a bit boring and I really don't like his head-thingy or the metal diaper, but passable. I'm just a bit worried since I could use quite a few Fleshies but getting multiples of this sculpt isn't happening. On the good front, the new nurses are awesome and the new canine is great. Such improvements over the originals! The chihuahua is fine.

So three great one sculpts, two ok ones, one meh and one horrid. Not a bad box, IMO.

As for Sonnia, it's a bit strange that her coat tails are billowing in the wind but her hair or the flames of her sword are not. Also I'm not a fan of the lantern. All in all she really doesn't scream "Master" to me.

Samael OTOH is crazy good - my favourite plastic re-sculpt so far. Really great!

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Fleshie is a bit boring and I really don't like his head-thingy or the metal diaper

Hahah, the metal diaper was quite a horrid solution. The Nurses are awesome. McMourning is good but his original is better. Sebastian has always been horrible and still remains so. But the box ain't that bad. I just hope they sell the nurses separetely as they did with the Belles.

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