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Freehand-along, week 2 - refining and solidifying


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Ok folks, a little late (last day or so has been non stop chaos) but here's week two:

So this week, it's time to refine the pattern we laid out roughly last time. Solidify lines more, get the final edge shapes sorted, block in any areas of colour and so on. Basically, just start working on moving from the rough sketch to a more definite and accurate pattern. And here's the latest photos and patterns from those who survived week one:




















So, have at it folks, I'm really enjoying how people are giving it a go and helping each other out with suggestions, thoughts and support! As usual, I'll be wandering in and out as my bizarre schedule allows. And next week I'll try to get the thread up on time *grin*

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It looks like cherry blossom to me, mostly because of the branches and the kimono. I'm not sure if it's possible to do anything much to the flowers themselves - I've just googled cherry blossom patterns and the flowers all look quite stereotypical. It looks good anyway.

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A little more progress and a bit closer to boot.


as you can see I have added a bit of white to the grey I used in the first pass.

I also went around with the purple and tidied up a bit. It took me a while to work out what the purple was and the mini is old and colours can change over time as well as excessive use in games.

Good thing it turns out it was just GW liche purple and I still had a bit left as I have since moved to a different brand/

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Ooooh, that looks awesome, LordGimpet. The white is a subtle touch but it's really brought the whole design out. Loving it!!

And I think that looks great, Steam! I think the grotty look really suits it. Like as if they quickly smeared on the symbol in blood or something :) I don't think it's too much at all!

Edited by Lussuria
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Hey, this is all looking awesome! I've been distracted by stuff all week so I've missed out on all the updates, but I'm really buzzed to see how everyone's doing!

I've got mine done, its too dark and I need to do some work pushing the midtones back up a bit, but here it is:


I'll pop the new thread up tomorrow, and we'll keep going with the refining, and putting in highlights and details etc. Any extra bits of painting to add in more details, or accent the top edges of things, and so on.

Basically, next week it's time to get it sharpened up and sorted out more - almost ready to shade it down into the fabric soon...

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