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Brewmaster crew Proxies?

Mister Tezla

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As the title states, I'm looking for ideas to use to put together a proxie Brewmaster crew. I had a lot of fun playing him in open beta ( with some choice gremlins as stand ins) and would love to have soemthing to be abel to put on the table that's easily recognizable ( with some modding) as his crew.

this would include a model for:

The Brewmaster

Apprentice Weasley

2x Moon Shinobes

Whiskey Golem.

I know COnfrontatio nhad ninja Goblins, though those seem hard to find now, and Reaper has a ninja Goblin, but that is at 28mm scale, and i'm not sure how it would compared to the rest of my Malifaux minis.

Any suggestion swould be greatly appreciated.

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My Ideas r:

Brewy: http://www.cpmodelsminiatures.co.uk/CP%20MODELS%20GOBLI%20NINJA.htm

Moon Shinobi: based on witchling stalkers

Wesley: Bg with barrel on back and 10T archers hat

Golem: Scratch built from plasticard and http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Renedra-Wooden-Barrels-x-10-Grey-Sprue-28mm-Warhammer-Wargamming-Mordheim-/171015006117?pt=UK_Toys_Wargames_RL&hash=item27d149e7a5

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Pathfinder goblins look more like gremlins than other fantasy goblins and could be more easily converted into gremlins:

Goblin Pyros

Goblin Warriors

I use Confrontation Uraken Clan goblins for my Slop Haulers and I was going to convert a more japanese themed crew of gremlins around Wong, but now I don't have to since there is brewmaster... But I've found out that these metal goblins are much larger than gremlins, not as big as Lenny or Somer, but the difference is too big to replace all gremlins. Since the slop haulers have access to food I've let their size pass off as a response to their healthy diet.

I've been using these minis for my slophaulers:


Ashigaru Musician

I'll post my conversions in a couple of weeks when I finish up the painting (I hope).

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I've been working on my brewmaster crew for a few weeks now. My shinobi are ninja goblins from highlander studios. I purchased the ninja goblins from arklash-chronicles and they are currently sitting at the post office. A heads up for anyone buying from them that they bill you in LA (?), all legal matters with them are in Hong Kong but send out product from Ukraine and take a good 2 to 3 weeks after ordering to get them.

I used a converted Yhedra model from enigma for my brewmaster. Ill put up some painted pictures this evening.

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I think these haven't been suggested yet. There's some potential in Goblin pirates :)

You just made my day. I've been thinking of expanding my Gremlin force to include the Brewmaster, but wasn't feeling the whole Ninja Theme: Wouldn't mesh well with my standard Gremlins...who happen to have a Maritime Theme. I think the The Grogmaster would be an appropriate addition!

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