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spirits and damage



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Well, M2E does not have Kirai out yet. It is a safe bet that spirit will no longer halve damage, but that models which were spirits in M1E such as Kirai's list will have Incorporeal, which is much more explicit about what is halved, in effect, any damage produced by an attack with the Sh or Ml attribute will be halved, regardless of source.

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Welcome to Malifaux! First, just to let you know as a new player, Malifaux is in the midst of an edition change. The Open Bets playtest rules will be available on Oct 7th. As you are asking questions about her rules now, I assume you are asking in regards to her 1.5 rules. I can answer it for you NP, but in future you might want to direct your 1.5 questions in that sub-forum.

Spirits in 1.5 halve all dmg that is not magical. That means that if the dmg source doesn't come from a weapon that has the Magical Trait, or originate from a spell, then Spirits get to halve it. So if a spirit were to attack another spirit with their Weapon, the opposing spirit would halve the Dmg. If the Attacking Spirit's weapon had the magical trait, the opposing spirit would not halve it. If the Attacking Spirit were to attack the opposing spirit with a spell that caused dog, the opposing spirit would not halve the dmg.

So Spirits in and of themselves do not cause full dmg to other spirits, unless they attack with a magical weapon, or a spell.

Does that help?

Again Welcome to Malifaux!

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