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When will the Brewmaster/Whisky Golem be released, also how much will they be ?


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Pure speculation here, take it with a pinch of salt

The 5 crew boxes for sale at Gencon where between $40 and $45. I would imagine the most similar box in terms of Minis would be the December box, giving Brewmaster, Westley, 3 Shinobi and the Whiskey Golem. This would probabbly about $45. If the Box was instead Brewmaster, Westley, 3 Shinobi and Fingers I would expect it to cost $40 (see redchapel gang for similar box).

I have no idea on the release schedule but we seem to be getting either 2 crew boxes, or 1 crew box and some blisters each month. We have 18 crew boxes to get through (plus lots of blisters). Whilst I would like the new crew, I could see it not happening till after Easter. It depends on how far back their art was sorted for making the sprues, and how far in advance Wyrd has to book in casting time.

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