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Thinking about making this my home......


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Warstore has the five starters that were out at Gencon as being all on the shelves by November. Seamus is due out in September.

Seamus is awesome!

Hopefully they won't make us wait too long for the new plastics, but I understand that stuff takes a while to work through.

I hope things come out decently as fast as well. Though I can only get so much at a time.

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I would like to point out, don't look as Ressers at a "Summoning" faction. Consider them a faction who CAN summon.

You'll win more games that way. I've watched a lot of new Resser players either quit the faction or the game because they get too caught up him making models, then losing terribly on Strategies/schemes. Especially in 2.0.

Note that doesn't count for Doug, because summoning as you kill is MAD SCIENCERY

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If you want some stuff to muck about with for painting, Yan Lo, Yin, Izamu and Toshiro aren't going to be updated, they're already plastics. That way you can test paint schemes, and once Wave 2 Arsenal packs hit the ground you already have those.

I actually have Yan Lo and all his ancestors now I just need to decide if I want everyone to have a different paint scheme or have a theme running through all the crews.

---------- Post added at 05:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:49 AM ----------

I really do like the new Seamus box, but cant bare to repaint my figures. Too happy with my old metal ones

---------- Post added at 10:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:48 PM ----------

Really do like this quote

I think he looks way better now though sculpt is really way more badass

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Mako's Giant Basing Project

My project is that I'm theming every M2E crew to each other, being in Malifaux city or the sewers (which is still part of the city), so I have to come up with individual bits of stuff to make each crew stand out. So, Lady J's crew is going to be a town square theme, Rasputina is the streets with ice coming off the models, Tara will be streets with mist, Seamus will be in dark alleys with walls on the bases...

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I think he looks way better now though sculpt is really way more badass

That is true of the original, but I like my alternate the best.

As for belles, the one who is leaning forward is probably my favorite now. But I gave her one of the old parasols, as the new ones look too small/lame. It looks pretty good. I use her mixed with original belles.

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I was thinking about having Kiri on water bases (like everyone is floating above the water) and Yan Lo on bamboo and raked sand bases (though how I would do this I have no idea) and so forth but you can take different things with different crews so I wasn't sure if this would be a good idea.

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Honestly, if the bases not matching will bother you in a game, try having bits of bamboo on the water ones, and bits of water on the bamboo/sand ones. Like they're all in a tea garden/zen garden, but in different areas of it.

If it won't bother you in game, go with theme bases for theme crews if you want to - they look great and give you a lot of variety.

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