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I want me M2E (Gremlins for nothing and the Viks for Free)


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Well, the Con's only been going on for a few hours. Hopefully some kind souls will tease us with their nigh-exclusive knowledge later, once they're done with their Con activities for the day.

---------- Post added at 02:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:00 PM ----------

Aha! Spotted on twitter: Monk of Low River


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Not a whole lot to see that hasn't already been posted on EricJ's Twitter spot. If you are looking for something specific though I could probably be convinced to take some pictures and post them up here. It will be later in the day though as I have a full day of working the booth tomorrow.

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Seriously. I'll be a bit miffed if they got *that* much negative feedback on her primary mechanic and it didn't get modified. Here's hoping.

Check out the upgrades list in the gremlin arsenal box: http://wyrd-games.net/shop/Arsenal-Box-Gremlins-Wave-1.html

It suggests that some major revisions have happened in her upgrades!

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Less promising is that the pack only seems to come with one copy of the Moon Shinobi card. Can anyone confirm whether that's a mistake?

Similar to 10T only having one Monk of Low River.

Arcanists is actually worse having only one Hoarcat pride. Not that I'm sure everyone had a half dozen, but it is an old non-limited model. At least with the monk and shinobi them not having duplicates can be explained by them not having released models yet (doesn't make it any better for proxying, but you will get more copies if/when you buy the actual minis).

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