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Rams Ascendant: A Guild themed Custom Fate Deck


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Hi everyone

I'm getting pretty guild excited at the moment, but with 2E on it's way, there isn't much I can do: I've bought all of the new guild plastics available, and will wait for the rest of the plastics to come out to increase my collection. With my models almost all painted, and my other projects reaching their conclusion (see my other thread here for more of this), my guild-frenzy went to the next available spot: making a Guild themed custom fate deck. Have a look:


13 Crows by zachos2, on Flickr


12 Crows by zachos2, on Flickr


11 Crows by zachos2, on Flickr

I've teamed up with a mate who will be photoshopping the icons in etc, while I do the face card images. The plan is to have crew themes for each of the suits: Justice for crows, Sonnia for tomes, Perdita for masks and Hoffman for rams.

I am, however struggling to think of what images can be on the red and black jokers. Any suggestions would be welcome. Our intention is to have these finished by the end of tomorrow, and we'll probably move on to doing a custom deck for each of the factions in future if this one isn't too much of a headache.

Hope you like, any feedback would be great: like I said, we're pushing this through on a fast track, so if you have any suggestions then let us know asap.

Thanks for reading.


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Thanks for the suggestions guys. I couldn't find any images of the governor general, so decided for something a bit generic for black joker. Maybe it's the grave spirit or something. Lucius I decided should be the red joker. He is a guild character after all.

@dumb luck: your thread did inspire me, along with the awesome custom decks made for various events. I especially like the one used by Joey and WargamerGirl in their battle report.

Anyways. It's about to get a whole new kind of pic heavy up in here...


Black Joker by zachos2, on Flickr


Black joker by zachos2, on Flickr


Rams king by zachos2, on Flickr


Rams queen by zachos2, on Flickr


Jack rams by zachos2, on Flickr


King masks by zachos2, on Flickr


Queen of masks by zachos2, on Flickr


Jack masks by zachos2, on Flickr


King tomes by zachos2, on Flickr


Queen tomes by zachos2, on Flickr


Jack tomes by zachos2, on Flickr

Edited by Zac
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So here is a taste of the finished deck These are the cards that have gone from Zac's sketch, through photoshop and out the other side again. We decided to keep the sketch feel for the images so we live traced them, tweaked them then constructed the card around them. We have a full 54 card set now

Thoughts are always welcome


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Thanks for the input Spifferson. Very valid point. We were leaning slightly towards western feel, and trying something slightly more unique. But totally get where your coming from

Wyandottemike - The plan was to make at least 10 decks, mainly because printing cost in bulk is always cheaper. If you wanted to design your own one, its not just about the "skill". Ideas are the important bit, often overlooked. YOu could team up with someone who has more of the skills to make it and you give direction, or vise versa!

---------- Post added at 03:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:28 PM ----------

Dudes, we had this idea first!

Did you make them? Would love to see them if you have!

Edited by Legion113
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The main reason we aren't selling these is the legal issues, in that we'd need to get permission etc. If there were enough demand we might be tempted to do a short run with wyrd's permission.

As for having a go yourself, I was at how easy everything was to do. There are loads of websites that will allow you to make your own decks.

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The main reason we aren't selling these is the legal issues, in that we'd need to get permission etc. If there were enough demand we might be tempted to do a short run with wyrd's permission.

As for having a go yourself, I was at how easy everything was to do. There are loads of websites that will allow you to make your own decks.

I understand. There is another user doing up a Gremlins deck and he apparently got permission from Eric to do a limited release so I thought I would ask. I love custom decks so any time I see one I always ask if any are available. If for some reason they do please let me know, I'd love to get one.

If you don't mind me asking what is the cost per custom deck (for you to make them) and what company are you using to print them? It's something I might do just for kicks.

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Yeah I heard about that. If those criteria were met then yeah we could do a limited release. In terms of cost it's only time through designing and creating them. We are getting them printed via an online service we found. Roughly £16 a deck for one. However the more you buy the cheaper it becomes. If there was interest in it and we had permission we could maybe do a limited run of them.

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Shut up and TAKE MY MONEY!!!!!!!!

Ummm.....I'd like one please if you do make them available to others. they are gorgeous. Not even a Guildie. But, I love them. Can never have too many decks.

Shadowpal it's nice to see another with the same obsession as me. This deck does look great and even though I kept throwing my wallet at the screen nothing has happened yet. Hopefully some more voices will help convince Legion113 to share his creation with us :)

Legion113 I play Resurrectionists as well as Guild (and Gremlins) and can't wait to see what you guys come up with for that. I hope you'll share the creation process on those too.

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Thanks everyone for the great comments. We are currently working to make them available. So don't fear, things are in motion!

All you guys that expressed an interest in the deck, we will let you know as soon as they become available/if they do!

And any future decks that we make, of course we will share the making of with you guys. Always good to get your comments and feedback!

The outcast deck is just about to be sketched up so we will put pictures of them up as soon as they are done. Each deck obviously will look different, so your thoughts are very much welcomed!

---------- Post added at 10:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 AM ----------

Hopefully some more voices will help convince Legion113 to share his creation with us :)

lol i'm all in favour for sharing!

Edited by Legion113
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So i need your guys help. We're designing the outcast deck, and after looking through the new art work/character for 2.0 i've started constructing a list. THis is what i have so far. Would appriciate your thoughts/changes/ideas. You'll see its not a fully completed list yet and i'm up for changing it all about if thats what the comments suggest!




Student of Conflict

Desperate Mercenary




Rusty Alyce




2 Viktoria's



Red - ?

Black ?

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