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Gen Con 2013 Masters Primer Tournament @ Games plus, Mt. Prospect IL - 7/28/13


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Gen Con 2013 Masters Primer Tournament V1.5 Edition

July 28th, 2013

Registration & Set-up: 10:00am – 11:00am

@ Games Plus

101 W. Prospect Ave

Mt. Prospect, IL 60056

(847) 577-9656


This is a tune-up tournament to prepare you for the Masters Event at Gen Con 2013. Even if you do not plan on attending Gen Con this will be a good chance to test your skills against those that will be attending. This will also be the last V1.5 Tournament held at Games Plus. We will be having M2E events starting in the fall of 2013.

Entry Fee: $10.00 - This includes 1 raffle ticket.


1st Place – $75.00 Store Gift Certificate.

2nd Place – $50.00 Store Gift Certificate.

3rd Place – $25.00 Store Gift Certificate.

Sportsmanship – Special Malifaux Custom Deck.

Best Painted Miniature – $25.00 Store Gift Certificate.

Raffle Prize – 2012 Malifaux Gencon Exclusive Miss Terious Guild Death Marshall.

Additional raffle tickets can be purchased for $5 each.

The rules for this tournament will mirror the rules for the Gen Con Masters 2013. As soon as the Gen Con rules become available I will add them to this thread.

This tournament will operate very similarly to the Adepticon 2013 Primer that was hosted in March and can be viewed at the following link for reference;


Edited by sharpobjects
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Gen Con Masters Primer Tournament Rules

Tournament Organizer

The Tournament Organizer, or TO, is the sole authority at Malifaux tournaments. TOs are expected to be fair and equitable in their adjudication of debates and rules questions. Regardless of the outcome, a TO’s decision is final. Players are encouraged to work out simple rules disputes among themselves because the round clock does not stop while waiting for the TO to answer questions.


Malifaux is designed to be fun for all players. Players are expected to behave civilly and respectfully at all times. When asked, players should provide the information and statistics for models as well as any additional public information. Activations should be played in a timely manner, and players should allow opponents to

cut their Decks.

Warning System

Players are given a single warning when their behavior toward other players or the TO is considered unacceptable. If the behavior persists, and the TO determines the player to be a disruption to the tournament, it is within the TO’s authority to disqualify the player from the tournament. Don’t be that player.


There is zero tolerance for cheating (other than Cheating Fate, which is, of course, encouraged). If the TO determines that a player is cheating, the player will be immediately disqualified from the tournament.

Player Responsibility

Players are responsible for providing:

• Crew models

• Rulebooks and Official Wyrd printed Stat Cards

• Official Fate Deck(no custom decks to be used)

• Measuring tape

• Counters/Markers/Tokens

Proxy Rules

Proxies (substitute models) are not allowed under any circumstances, nor can a player enter a tournament with a model that has not yet been released to the general public. Printed Stat Cards may not be used; players must physically possess the official up-to-date versions for tournaments. All models released by the date of the tournament are available for use.

Conversion Rules

Conversions are an excellent way to show off your modeling skills. Original sculpts are allowed if the TO deems them to be accurate representations of the models portrayed. If using a model that was converted with manufactured pieces, no more than 33% of the finished model may be built using other game companies’ models, while the rest must be either wholly or a combination of original sculpt or Wyrd-manufactured pieces.

Painting Rules

Your models do not have to be painted but they have to be properly assembled and securely based.

Painting Contest

All tournament participants will vote for the best single painted model. The Tournament Organizer will determine the winner for tie breaking purposes.

Number of Rounds – 3 Rounds

Round Time Limit – 95 minutes + 10 minute setup

Deployment Type – Standard

Crew Construction - Single Faction 30 stones

Scheme Usage – Unique

Scoring – TP/Diff/VP


10:00AM – 11:00AM – Tournament set up and Registration

11:15AM - 1:00PM - Round 1

1:15PM – 3:00PM - Round 2

3:30PM – 5:15PM - Round 3

5:30PM Awards

Strategy Selection

Round 1 - Shared A Line in the Sand (Governor’s Decree Variant)


Place five 30mm Dynamite Markers along the centerline of the table at least 6”



The Dynamite Markers begin the Encounter disarmed. A model may perform a

(1) Interact Action while in base contact with a disarmed Dynamite Marker to

arm it if they are not engaged by an enemy model. Each player should mark

which Dynamite Markers his or her Crew has armed. A model may perform a (1)

Interact Action while in base contact with a disarmed Dynamite Marker to

disarm it. Insignificant models or models engaged with an enemy model cannot

perform the arm or disarm Interact Actions.


At the end of each Turn after the first a player scores 1 VP if he or she has more

Dynamite Markers armed by his or her Crew than his or her opponent does, up

to a maximum of 4 VP.

Round 2 - Shared Land Grab


Divide the table into equal quarters.


Insignificant models do not count toward the Victory condition. A player

controls a table quarter when the

majority of models completely within that quarter are theirs.


At the end of each Turn after the first, a player scores 1 VP if he or she controls

more table quarters than his or her opponent, up to a maximum of 4 VP.

Round 3 - Shared Beatdown


At the end of each Turn after the first, if a player has no models in the game, his

or her opponent scores 1 VP. Otherwise the Crew that killed or sacrificed the most enemy models scores 1 VP. A player may score up to a maximum of 4 VP for this Strategy.

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Added in some additional tournament rules for clarity.

Calling Time:

The TO will inform players when there is 10 minutes left before the round ends. At the end of the allotted time, the TO calls “Last Activation” to inform players to finish the current model activation and then resolve the Turn’s Closing Phase before the end of the Encounter. After this players count their Victory Points (VPs).

Hiring Crews:

Each player will inform each other of their declared Faction. Then each player will pick their choice of Leader for that round and note it in secret on their score sheet. Once this has been done, each player must reveal his or her choice to the other player at the

same time. Players then begin to hire their crews as normal.

Byes and Scoring Byes:

If there is an odd number of players in the Tournament, and no ringers are available to fill in, the TO will establish Byes for the Tournament. No player should receive more than one Bye round in an event. When a ringer is available the player should compete against that stand-in opponent with the results of the Encounter never being worse than a tie for the player.

First Round Bye

The last player to arrive at the tournament receives the Bye.

Second Round and later Byes:

Each round, the player with the lowest total Tournament Points (TP), who has not yet received a Bye, receives the Bye. If the player with the lowest TP total has already received a Bye, the player with the next lowest TP total receives the Bye. If that player has also already received a Bye, the next lowest receives the Bye, and so on.

When a player receives a Bye, the player’s score sheet for that round is empty except for the word BYE for VP. The final scores for players with a Bye are not calculated until the tournament ends. At the end of the Tournament, follow these steps for all players who received a Bye:

1. Score each player’s TP, DIFF, and VP.

2. Multiply each of those scores by the total number of rounds in the tournament.

3. Divide each of those scores by the number of rounds that the player played (should be 1 less than the total number of rounds).

4. This is the final score for that player.

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Tournament Results:

1st Place - Victor Szafranski (Arcanist-Colette) 3-0-0

2nd Place – John Hartigan (Neverborn-Pandora) 2-1-0

3rd Place – David Bowler (Resurrectionist-Nicodem) 2-1-0

Sportsmanship – Greg Mount & Kevin Bowler

Painting Contest - Victor Szafranski (Ramos Custom Sculpt)

Main Raffle Winner – Joe Deheve

Joe won the Miss Terrious but just about everyone walked away with something from the raffle.

Factions Played:



Ten Thunders



Masters Played:

Pandora w/Collodi

Zoraida w/Collodi

Mei Feng


Yan Lo






Avatars Played:

Dreamer-Avatar of Imagination

Thanks to everyone who took the time out of their busy weekend to participate in the fun. In the sprit of 21st century PC, you were all winners!!

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Awesome job Sharp.

Makes me miss v1 all the more. If the stars are in alignment (And my wife lets us) we'll be at your next tourney.

Although, I gotta say, the pub down the block could use a little upgrade in their draft selection.

I appreciate you, your son and Raul making the trip up north. I will be at your next event as well and I will try to bring a few players with me too.

I will let you know the details of my October event as soon as Gen Con is over.

There is another Pub within walking distance that is a bit better. I will treat you to a cold one after the next event :)

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