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Yan Lo Crew

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Great colour choice and application.

You've got a beautifully painted, unified, dark and moody crew there.

The ONLY thing you might consider would be a bit of gloss on Yin's and Toshiro's innards to give them a bit more visceral feel.

Only a suggestion though' I really like the crew.

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Cheers guys,

I was quite amazed myself at how quickly they painted up. I must have been sleep-painting or something! As for painting 'recipes', everything is pretty much right out the pot aside from the purple highlights (all GW except white which is coat d'arms):

Bone - Ushabti bone, brown wash (agrax or whatever), ushabti bone, white. I'll point out though that my particular white pot is quite watery (coat d'arms) making it great for layering, you might need to water the white down.

Purple - liche purple (no idea what it's called now), brown wash, black wash, liche purple, liche purple + rakarth flesh/dheneb stone + brown wash, add more rakarth flesh, repeat as needed.

Metal - orange, heavy drybrush layers of metals (dunno what they're called), brown wash, highlight edges.

Once everything's done, reline with either black ink or brown ink depending on the area.

I was going to gloss the gizzards, but actually quite like it a bit more dull - looks less fresh.

Incidentally, I painted them the same scheme as my Cult of Yurei for Bushido, for maximum proxying possibilities :)

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