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Webmonkey's Garage Kits,...


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I have a few things coming,.. but they are still in transit, and may be a few weeks before they actually get here from Thailand or wherever.

In the meantime, I have ordered a colossal base from privateer press that's supposed to be in next week. Since I've been doing these oversized models, I thought I'd try my hand at an oversized sculpt.

Specifically, I was thinking of "upscaling" my Nameless model, so that I can get more detail in it. (especially the base). In a bit of a different pose of course. I Know you guys have already seen this piece from me in small scale, but I wanted to redo it anyways.

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Kenshin,.. complete,....

Took the advice and did a bit of a wave pattern on the back edge of the sword. I think I'll have to touch it up some still though.


Also, tried out a new "photo booth" set-up on these pictures. I think it's helping the photos come out better, by quite a bit. I still need a real camera and to tweak the set-up some (better ambient light diffusion and the like), but still,.. it's a step in the right direction. (comments encouraged about the comparative photo quality please *grin)

Finished the 2nd head. It has a bit more wild of a hairstyle then the other one.

Ed>> I did the yellow eyes on this one,.. just for you *grin*




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Ok,.. I know it's been a short bit since last I posted. Current update is as follows,..

Ordered Colossal base from privateer press so that I can sculpt an oversized version of my nameless model. I ordered a couple of weeks ago, and the order came in, but somehow, the goobers in the ordering department sent the wrong size base. So now, I have to wait again before the correct piece (hopefully) arrives again.

That being said, my fox-lady should be showing up any day now. So, for all two of you who've been chomping at the bit and going through withdrawals,.. just be patient,.. more anime models will be coming soon!!! *grin*

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alright,.. I know it's been a while since I posted last. But life's been crazy, and work has been a real bear to deal with. (inventory and all that). But since it's starting to wind down, I thought I'd start up again,.. (if you guys don't mind,..*grin*)

And to that end, I've put the sculpt on hold for a minute (mostly because I'm out of fimo and such at the moment), and decided to move on to the fox lady. As such, here's the first photo of the shoes. I know it's not much to look at yet,.. but be patient,.. there'll be more before you know it.


Also,.. this particular model didn't come with a pre-defined base. So, now I have to figure out what I'm gonna do for this model.

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