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Bootstrapping Malifaux...


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Hi all.

Looking for some information I can’t seem to find on the boards/website. I have been interested in Malifaux for a while and have finally decided to get serious and start up the game at my FLGS. We have a strong miniatures gaming community here that has slowly shifted to Warmachine/Hordes, mostly because your current figures do not go obsolete like some of the other systems out there…

Anyway, one of the biggest issues in my area is that most of the gamers here are older, 25-50ish, rather than younger and tend to either play or paint. Few have a lot of time so they buy the figs they need and paint as they can, but many times play with them half painted or even bare.

I have picked up six starter boxes, two I am painting and for the others I have enlisted the able assistance of one of the owners at my FLGS to paint the others. She really enjoys the hobby side (painting) and turns out some fantastic paint jobs. The plan is to start some learning games by the end of the month using my figs. I’ve been gaming since the late 70’s and the rules read pretty easy, but I don’t want to assume anything about actual play until I get to do some.

So I was looking through the Malifaux related sites looking for some general organized league material to use as starter demo’s but was surprised at not turning up anything. The only info available is Convention Level Tournaments (2013 Governors Decree with the start up game killing “must be painted” clause) or the hidden/locked away Henchman material only available to, well Henchmen. Henchman is something I am interested in, but I can’t truthfully commit to it until I see the game in action and get a better feel for it.

I know that the hobbyist side of the game is important and a lot of people invest a lot of effort into modeling, but in some areas it is the game play that attracts the players instead. Mandating complete paint jobs for everyday organized play is pretty much why I haven’t seen any GW stuff around here in a couple years, when their local store closed.

I guess it all boils down to, is there any everyday general league style organized play materials available? Or more importantly, a start up Demo guide? I suppose I can wing it, but it would make it a lot easier to have an example to look through. Or just use Governors Decree and ignore the painting part for now, but not being able to participate in official tournaments is going to dampen interest here.

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Welcome to Malifaux!

Governor's Decree is for the official Wyrd events which contain harder points than a normal event. For non-official, more casual rules you should consult the Gaining Ground pack. This can be found just beside the Governor's Decree at Malifaux.com download section so I wonder how you missed it.

As for a demo guide, I'm sure one of my fellow Henchman has something for you and will help you shortly.

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Governors Decree only relates to events organised by Wyrd themselves, ie. the tournaments at GenCon. There is an equivalent document called Gaining Grounds which is used for local tournaments. In that document the Tournament Organiser has more discretion on issues of painting etc, and fillypainted crews are not mandatory.

That being said, neither document is where you want to look as a beginner. I'm not that sure exactly what you're looking for, or what you mean by "organised play"?

The best way to get the group into the game is always going to be to get familiar with the rules yourself, then run small demos games (no more than 25 soulstones, the size of an average crew box) for anybody that's interested. I find that's usually more than enough to get the average gamer into the game. Once you have a few people playing small games and growing crews, *that's* when you want to think about tournaments and competitive play.

Unfortunately there's no real demo "guide" available, but the rules manual is reasonably easy to grasp, and even if you don't play everything 100% correctly initially that's not a massive issue.

Hope this is helpful, but shout up if I'm completely missing the mark...

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Unsure if this would help you but Clousseau and I recorded a newbie podcast where we cover the basic mechanics of the game, hiring your crews and winning conditions. I realise it's not exactly what you were after with regards to running demo/organising league play but it may be of some help. Plus it's only about an hour long so not too time intensive.


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Feel free to PM me with any specific questions - I've been running demos and tournaments since Malifaux came out, so have probably encountered most situations. be useful to know if you are UK or USA based as things do seem to be different between those player groups.

I've never insisted on painted models for tournaments (though fully assembled & glued is essential), but find that most people bring painted models.

I have developed a good starter tournament format and am willing to share tournament packs, score sheets and experience.

Good luck with this new game at your group.

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