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Community building from scratch?


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So, I started Malifaux.

I like the system, I like the setting, the problem is, there's absolutely no active community in my city. I know of at least 3 Polish cities that do have groups with regular games, so it can be done. The problem is achieving that level :(

I have no idea what to do to get a regular group running. For my part, I plan to:

- get 1-2 alternative crews, maybe something Guild or Neverborn to get people exposed to various facets of the setting (magic, steampunk, Wild West)

- build dedicated terrain for a distinctive look to have a "hey that's neat, what is it?" reactions - probably some darkish-steampunkish 19-century city, with an option for badlands or swamps later.

- run demos at local events

- help new players with learning the game (once I learn it myself hah), getting minis (there's a whole one online store carrying MFX and no brick&mortar ones here), etc.

That seems like a good start. What else should I do? I figured that with the scores of henchmen present here you might have some good advice ;)

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The key to building a community in any system is getting games on the table. That will take you two+ crews and you will have to teach some people to play. When others see the system, offer them games too. If they like the theme and look of the game, you will gradually build.

My local group went from a Tuesday 3-way free-for-all to a 24 person pool of players in a matter of four months. We ran a successful achievement league in February with 11 regular players and are starting another league this Tuesday using the Campaign rules from Chronicle #5.

Don't be overbearing with new players and they will embrace the game if it interests them. Just get a lot of games going and have some fun.

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The first rule is: Make connections. Talk to those other communities and as many others as you can contact. Create a giant web of people that know other people. Once you have the web, the people will find you.

xKoBiEx has the right idea for the second step.

I think you have made a great start, you have connected with this community. I have fonund the people here to be very friendly and helpful.

On the personal side , check this out.


This can give you some oppenents and some great new friends.

Hang in there and good luck.

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Get the 1-2 alternate crews, get 'em painted up to tabletop standard, and get some demos in. Once you've got them painted, submit your Henchman-Application so that you can have some of the community building done for you by Wyrd steering locals your way. Then, in your downtime, work on that terrain. It sounds great, but the models themselves are the draw. The terrain is just icing on the cake.

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Thanks! Yeah, I think I'll talk to local forums/clubs/whatever, invite people to demos, try to arrange games so people see that there is such a game and there's something happening :) That's actually a very important issue I forgot, the only Polish MFX online community I know is popular among the players but pretty insular outside the system, this needs to change or I have to make more connections, maybe both.

As for Vassal, I don't like playing online, I feel little human contact then :( I'll try though, it definitely helps to learn the rules and another metas.

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Voidwalker filled in what I assumed you already had. Luckily, my store already had a very large community of players for other games. It was easy to do the rest. It also helps that I was also a Grey Knight for GW in the past.

As "Johnny" pointed out, getting your name in Wyrd's database as a Henchman is also going to steer others like you, who are looking for players but may not know where to find them, in your direction.

Best of luck.

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