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A Blinding Flash vs Jackhammer Kick



so, an interesting question arose recently in a game between colette and mei feng.

Mei attacked colette with her jackhammer kick, which states "after hitting defender with this weapon, place this model in contact touching the defenders base".

however, Colette also got her A Blinding Flash trigger, which is worded as "the model that attacked this model receives slow. switch this model and one other friendly showgirl within 18" "

now, besides the general recognition that colette's trigger is awesome, this caused a fairly heated discussion about the timing of each of these actions - colette's swap and mei's placement.

colette lost the duel, so mei hits her. this doesnt stop colette from disappearing though, as her trigger does not specify 'after being hit/missed'.

so, does mei push into contact as her weapon states (not a trigger, but an inherent ability of her weapon) and then the trigger activates and colette swaps, or, as my opponent argued, do triggers imediately take effect and colette swaps, then the weapon effects occur and mei pushes into contact, effectively chasing her 18" across impassible terrain?

interesting dilemma, is there a ruling somewhere about the timing of effects on weapons vs triggers?

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it's more a question of the timing of the two events than a clarification on the trigger. but am i to assume that if triggers go off before the inherent effects of the weapon, that mei would push into base contact with the poor sacrificial showgirl, and colette would escape with a laugh?

i read the timing as colette disapearing first, as her trigger stated it occurs when attacked, whilst mei's weapon ability occurs when she hits. this is the point i want clarified - am i correct?

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I don't think it makes a difference when stuff happens in this case.

Either: Mei hits collette and moves into base contact, then collette switches places, so mei is now in base contact with the swapped showgirl.

Or: mei hits collette. Collette switches with a showgirl who is now the target of the attack, so mei moves into base contact with the showgirl (which is now the defender).

Either way she'll end up in the same place, hitting the showgirl

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I don't think it makes a difference when stuff happens in this case.

Or: mei hits collette. Collette switches with a showgirl who is now the target of the attack, so mei moves into base contact with the showgirl (which is now the defender).

This point i believe is correct. As Mei attacks Colette but before the attack is finished, a blinding flash triggers, and changes the target of the attack with the new showgirl that Colette swaps with.

So Mei hits the "new" show girl, and moves into base contact with her instead of Colette. And as always Colette is away and free, whilst Mei is hitting something deemed Expendable.

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