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Push effect clarification



The Wall of Steel rule for Ashigaru states that when the attack hits, the target "is pushed until it is 3" away from the Ashigaru and their action ends."

Does this mean I can push the target to ANYWHERE that's just outside the the 3" bubble? Meaning, I get charged, hit the target with wall of steel, then push them to the opposite side of the Ashigaru where perhaps something nastier waits, or perhaps where there are no targets.

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Away is a game term which is clearly defined in the rulebook:

Toward / away from something (another model, a specific point, table edge, etc.) must move by the shortest route. A model moving in this manner cannot end the movement further (for toward) or closer (for away from) from the thing than it began. However, the model may move in such a way as to avoid any terrain or impassable items.

Short answer is: no, you can't.

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Hmm, I would disagree and say yes you could.

You can push them in any direction you like so long as they end up 3" away from Ashigaru and further away from it than when they started.

If the wording was "push directly away" then I would agree, no, you couldn't but as it doesn't say "directly" I see no reason why you couldn't push them to the other side of it.



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13th, that was the way I had been interpreting it as well.

Essentially, you specify an endpoint outside of 3" from the ashigaru and then the target model moves the shortest distance possible to that route. Add to the fact that "directly" has it's own entry under the push section, and it seems that this would be true.

However, I have a whole 3 games worth of experience under my belt, so I want to make sure I am interpreting things correctly.

I have been playing it the way Csonti suggested, because I wasn't sure. So, I think I may have been cheating myself a bit.

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Hmm, I would disagree and say yes you could.

You can push them in any direction you like so long as they end up 3" away from Ashigaru and further away from it than when they started.

If the wording was "push directly away" then I would agree, no, you couldn't but as it doesn't say "directly" I see no reason why you couldn't push them to the other side of it.



This is how I interepreted it.

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If the wording was "push directly away" then I would agree, no, you couldn't but as it doesn't say "directly" I see no reason why you couldn't push them to the other side of it.

So again the description:

Toward / away from something (another model, a specific point, table edge, etc.) must move by the shortest route.

The difference of away vs directly away is roughly that you can move around terrain and other models in the way if you have to move simply away and can't if you need to do that directly away. Hope that helps.

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Away is, by definition, directly away (if possible) and by shortest path if not.
Is it? I thought away and directly away were two different things as defined in the rules manual.

But, having actually read the definition of moving away (not directly away, that's different) properly(!), I stand corrected; Csonti's right - it's the "shortest" that defines it.

Oh well, nearly right!

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