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Cassandra's Southern Charm.



Ok Southern Charm says Attack and Damage Flips recieve a negative twist. I am just wanting to clarify what that means now because it does not mean the same thing it did when the book came out.

It gives negative twists vs. Melee Strikes and Ranged Strikes(Weapons)

Does not work Vs. Spells with a gun in the action or melee in the action

Does not work vs. Spells without a gun or melee in the title.

Does not work vs. Actions such as Gamble your Life.

I am just confirming that this is the case as this has changed drastically since the rules manual and book 2. Most of this was based off of one of Ratty's clarifications.

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The definition of an attack has not changed. All of those things are attacks.

But only STRIKES generate Attack and Defense Flips. (Note the capitalisation)

What about the wording?

"Spells with a melee (claws) or range (gun) icon in their Rg are melee and ranged attack spells respectively and follow the targeting rules for those types of attacks. Modifiers that affect melee or ranged attacks affect these Spells as well." p.50 of the Little Rule Book.

Emphasis placed by me. I would think that Southern Charm would effectively be a modifier. I am rubbish at this sort of thing though.

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