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McMourning out done by Mortimer


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so the best McMourning (the MASTER OF STITCHES) can do is dogs, autopsies, flesh golems and rogue necromancies.........

mortimer can churn out ANY non-unique undead up to 4 stones in cost.....

so Morty can produce most of the cool little minion undead, Crooligans, Necropunks, Crooked men, Ashiguru, autopsies, dogs, Bells and drowned.

am i the only one to see that a lowly grave digger is out shining the PATHOLOGIST OF PAIN?

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you say that,

but Nicodem casts his summon on corps counters in play "it reanimates imbued with his magic". Mortimer has to sacrifice counters he is carrying implying some form of "building from the body parts" is happening.

so he is a better studied builder than McMourning, not more powerful admitidly the RN for example yes. Just doesnt sit right on my reading.

says something when your playing both of them and you have to get your dogs to steal corpses off McMourning, run over to Morty and die so they drop the corpses ready to be picked up

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McMourning summons from Body Parts. Body parts do not exhaust their source (Like Corpse Counters)

Mort summons from Corpse Counters, and 2 of them at that. The absolute cheapest combination of units to get 2 corpse counters, excluding totems, is 4 SS. Mortimer recycles, he doesn't necessarily summon.

McMourning, however, can summon a Rogue necromancy, worth 10 SS, without ever wasting a non-resuable resource.

Even though Mort can summon more, McMourning is still the superior summoner for sake of resources, rather than what he actually summons.

And really, if you wanna bring the summoning game, bring Nicodem.

Edited by Mordeqai
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