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Go directly to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200 Scrip

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With Monopoly finally getting rid of the Iron and voting in its new Cat piece, it has me wondering: Has anyone made their own version of Malifaux Monopoly, yet?

Could start with the Bayou and Zoraida's Hut, and proceed around to the Governor's Mansion, with several other fun places like the Star and Ramos' Workshop / M&SU Meeting Hall in between.

Might even be able to forgo dice in favor of a shared Fate Deck for movement. The option of moving 0 spaces, for Black Joker, through speeding by at 13 or 14 spaces (Kings or Red Joker, respectively). Instead of the doubles rule, if someone flips the same number 3 times in a row, go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200 Scrip.

The real fun might be in the zany things the Chance and Community Chest cards might say.

With the make you own monopoly kits out there, it wouldn't have to be an officially sanctioned, for profit endeavor, but if it were, I'd love to see it, even if that meant having to prepay for orders (with or without the need for Kickstarter).

It might even be a great place to use those alternate models, like the gremlin versions of crews, or maybe Puppets, as the pieces.

What do ya think?

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Could replace the Railroads with the four Riders. It's what LotR Monopoly did with the four named horses.

I'd have gone with the Effigies. Or "known" areas allocated to each faction that are too big to have as standard property (Hollow Marsh, Governor's Mansion, Kythera, The Honeypot). Just some ideas.

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Could always alter the game's general vibe to match up with Malifaux's.

Instead of property, you could invest 'Scrip' into Soul Stones. These you invest into crew members instead of streets. You could have each group of streets be crew box miniatures. For instance picking up 'Rotten Belles' and 'Madame Sybelle' you could qualify to own the two brown 'properties'.

One SS = 1 House in regular monopoly. A SS bag would be a hotel. Etc...

Game pieces would be iconic masters, such as Rapsie, Seamus, Lady J, etc...

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